WebSphere Web Services

WSWS1000E: Error: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1001E: Error - Could not access the client process service.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1002E: Error processing web services deployment descriptor for module: {0} with error: {1}


Unable to construct a web services deployment descriptor.

User Response:

Review error (exception stack trace) for root cause.

WSWS1003E: There are no services in the WSDL file referenced by Client DD service reference {0}.


There are no services defined in the WSDL file.

User Response:

Modify the WSDL file to include at least one service definition.

WSWS1004E: Error binding client references in java:{0} namespace: {1}


Unable to bind client references into the JNDI namespace.

User Response:

This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

WSWS1005E: Invalid DTD reference in web services deployment descriptor.


Invalid DTD reference in web services deployment descriptor.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1006E: Configuration is missing.


This is most likely due to a previous error with the web services deployment descriptor.

User Response:

Review the log for previous errors.

WSWS1007E: There is more than one service in the WSDL file but service reference {0} in the Client DD does not specify which Service QName to use.


If there is more than one service in the WSDL file the Client Deployment Descriptor must specify a QName of which service to use.

User Response:

Modify the Client Deployment Descriptor to add a element or modify the WSDL file to have only one service.

WSWS1008W: Unable to dump configuration as part of debug: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1009W: Warning: [{0}:{1}:{2}] {3}


A warning was issued w/the deployment descriptor listed.

User Response:

Correct the problem with the deployment descriptor.

WSWS1010E: Error: [{0}:{1}:{2}] {3}


An error was issued w/the deployment descriptor listed.

User Response:

Correct the error with the deployment descriptor.

WSWS1011E: Error: [{0}:{1}:{2}] {3}


A fatal error was issued w/the deployment descriptor listed.

User Response:

Correct the fatal error with the deployment descriptor.

WSWS1012E: Error: Web Services missing WebContainer.


WebSphere unable to locate WebContainer during Web Services startup.

User Response:

Correct problems with WebSphere startup.

WSWS1013E: Error: Found illegal scope: binding file={0}, portComponentName={1}, scope={2}.


Invalid value for scope.

User Response:

Correct scope in binding file to one of 'Request', 'Application', or 'Session'.

WSWS1014W: Javaclass {0} specified in provider {1} could not be loaded. The provider will be skipped. The exception is {2}.


A configuration file (was-webservices.xml) defines a provider which specifies a javaclass that cannot be loaded.

User Response:

Determine cause of failure to load the specified Java class, and fix.

WSWS1015W: Servlet for servlet-link {0} not found. The port-component {1} will be skipped.


Either a servlet with name matching servlet-link was not found for a port component, or the web application is not a Servlet.

User Response:

Use valid servlet name in servlet-link field and verify that the web application is a servlet.

WSWS1016E: Found multiple port-component-name elements with the value {0}.


The port-component-name values must be unique.

User Response:

Use unique port-component-names.

WSWS1017E: The JSR 109 JAX-RPC mapping DD file {0} as specified in the Client DD for service reference {1} could not be read.


The JAX-RPC mapping Deployment Descriptor specified in the Web Services Client Deployment Descriptor can not be read.

User Response:

Make sure that the file name specified in the Web Service Client Deployment Descriptor references a valid JAX-RPC Mapping file in the module.

WSWS1018W: For handlers {0} the handler {1} was not added due to an invalid role statement {2}


Error in handler configuration. Handler ignored may cause unexpected results.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1019W: For handlers {0} the handler {1} was not added due to an invalid flow statement {2}


Error in handler configuration. Handler ignored, may cause unexpected results.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1020E: Unable to parse file {0}


Error in configuration.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1021W: Warning: No services to deploy.


No (zero) services found to deploy.

User Response:

Specify services to be deployed.

WSWS1022W: Client reference {0} not of expected type {1} in java:comp namespace.


Unexpected type of client reference in namespace.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1023W: Client reference not found in java:comp namespace.


The reference was not found in the namespace.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1024W: Invalid service reference {0} found in module {1} in file {2}.


The reference for the module is not valid.

User Response:

Service references for this type of module must be contained in a '' and must be accompanied by a '' identifying the module.

WSWS1025E: Error: Resource {0} not found.


Resource not visible to class and system class loaders.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1026E: Error: Resource {0} not loaded: {1}


Resource cannot be loaded by class and system class loaders.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1027W: Warning: WebServices MBean could not be registered: {0}


The MBean could not be registered.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1028E: Error: Unable to initialize EJBCollaborator: {0}


The Web Services EJB Collaborator could not be initialized.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1029E: Error: {0}: Meta Data Service lookup failed: {1}


The MetaData service could not be found.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1030E: Error binding service references: {0}


The service reference could not be bound.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1031E: Error: {0}: Error binding service references in java:{1} namespace.


The service reference could not be bound into the namespace.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1032E: Error: {0}: Error binding service reference {1} in java:{2} namespace.


The service reference could not be bound into the namespace.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1033W: Javaclass {0} specified for handler {1} could not be loaded. The handler will be skipped. The exception is {2}.


A configuration file (was-webservices.xml) defines a handle which specifies a javaclass that cannot be loaded.

User Response:

Determine cause of failure to load the specified Java class, and fix.

WSWS1034W: No port component binding with the name {0} was found in bindings file {1}.


The port component binding is not required, but certain functionality will not be available without it.

User Response:

No action required.

WSWS1035E: Exception caught in {0}: context info: {1}


Exception caught, dumping context info.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1036E: Could not find service {0} referenced in URI {1}


The specified service could not be found.

User Response:

Check the name of the service specified by the client and the deployment of that service on the server.

WSWS1037E: The JSR 109 JAX-RPC mapping DD file {0} as specified in {1} in DD {2} for module {3} was not found in application {4}. This WebServiceDescription will be ignored.


The required JAX-RPC mapping Deployment Descriptor named in the Web Services Deployment Descriptor can not be found in this module.

User Response:

Make sure that the file name specified in the Web Service Deployment Descriptor references an existing file in the module.

WSWS1038W: No setter on {0} with a method name {1} found for reference {2}. The service name could not be changed to {3}.


The service name could not be changed from the default name generated in the ServiceLocator because a setter for the ServiceName could not be found.

User Response:

Regenerate the client side artifacts including the ServiceLocator class with the WebSphere emitters.

WSWS1039E: The IBM Web Services binding file {0} was not found in module {1} in application {2}. This file is required for this type of module.


This file required in order to make this type of module available as a Web Service.

User Response:

Ensure the module in the application contains the indicated bindings file.

WSWS1040W: The IBM Web Services binding file {0} was not found in module {1} in application {2}. Certain functionality such as WS-Security will not be available.


The file is not required, but certain functionality will not be available without it.

User Response:

No action required.

WSWS1041W: No webservice description binding was found in the IBM Web Services binding file {0} with the name {1} .


The webservice description binding is not required, but certain functionality will not be available without it.

User Response:

No action required.

WSWS1042E: Error in loading configuration for {0}. The exception is {1}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1043E: Error in the configuration. There are more than one security bindings defined, but can not determined which one to use without the WSDL Service Port.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1044E: Error in the configuration. There are more than one security deployment descriptors defined, but can not determined which one to use without the WSDL Service Port.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1045E: Error in loading {0} configuration for {1}. The service can not be started.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSWS1046E: The ibm-webservices-bnd.xml for EJB module {0} says that the associated router module is {1}. However that the router module does not exist in the application.


The router module is missing from the application.

User Response:

Fix the application by running endpointEnabler tool.