WebSphere Server

WSVR0001I: Server {0} open for e-business


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0002I: Server {0} open for e-business, problems occurred during startup


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0003E: Server {0} failed to start {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0004E: The server name, {0}, is not a valid name.


There is a mismatch between the name of the server speicified and the server name in the corresponding server.xml.

User Response:

Make sure that the server name specified matches both the directory name for the server and the server name in the corresponding server.xml.

WSVR0007E: Could not find the {0} object in {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0008E: Error encountered reading {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0009E: Error occurred during startup {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0016W: Classpath entry, {0}, in Resource, {1}, located at {2} has an invalid variable


A variable used in the classpath definition of the resource is not defined or does not contain a valid value.

User Response:

Define the missing variable or provide a valid value for the missing variable.

WSVR0017E: Error encountered binding the J2EE resource, {0}, as {1} from {2} {3}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0018W: Unable to create CustomService, {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0019W: CustomService, {0}, failed to initialize. {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0020W: CustomService, {0}, failed to shutdown. {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0021W: Native path entry, {0}, in Resource, {1}, located at {2} has an invalid variable


A variable used in the native path definition of the resource is not defined or does not contain a valid value.

User Response:

Define the missing variable or provide a valid value for the missing variable.

WSVR0022W: The value, {0}, with Resource ID, {1}, located at {2} has an invalid variable


A variable used in the resource is not defined or does not contain a valid value.

User Response:

Define the missing variable or provide a valid value for the missing variable.

WSVR0024I: Server {0} stopped


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0030E: ORB not initialized


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0031E: Unable to load container {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0032E: Object Adapter created already


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0033E: Unable to load security collaborator, {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0034W: Invalid passivation directory specified: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0035E: Failure to initialized the container: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0036E: Failure to obtain initial naming context: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0038I: No JNDI name found for {0}, binding home name as {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0039E: Unable to start EJB jar, {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0040E: addEjbModule failed for {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0041I: Stopping EJB jar: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0042E: Unable to stop {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0043E: Unbind failed for {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0044E: Unable to stop EJB jar, {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0045E: Unable to create sub-context {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0046E: Unable to bind, {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0047E: Batch naming operation failed : {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0048W: Binding {0} failed, no JNDI name found


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0049I: Binding {0} as {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0051W: Attempted to register a URL Provider, {0}, with a null protocol


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0052W: Attempted to unregister URLProvider with null protocol


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0062E: Unable to start EJB, {0}: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0064W: Minimum threads for pool {0} was less than 0; changing from {1} to 0


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0065W: Maximum threads for pool {0} was less than 1; changing from {1} to 1


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0066W: Maximum threads for pool {0} was less than the minimum; changing from {1} to {2}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0100W: An error occurred initializing, {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0101W: An error occurred starting, {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0102E: An error occurred stopping, {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0103E: An error occurred destroying, {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0104E: No type or class defined in {0} at line {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0105E: Both type, {0}, or class, {1}, are defined in {2} at line {3}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0106E: Invalid startup value {0} at line {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0107W: Duplicate component, {0}, in file {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0120E: An error occurred processing {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0150E: Missing entry for {0} in {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0200I: Starting application: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0201E: Application, {0}, failed to initialize {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0202E: Application, {0}, failed to start {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0205E: Module, {0}, of application, {1}, failed to initialize


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0206E: Module, {0}, of application, {1}, failed to start


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0207I: Preparing to start EJB jar: {0}


Preparation includes reading deployment descriptors and loading classes.

User Response:

No action is required for this status message.

WSVR0208E: Unable to prepare EJB jar: {0} {1}


An EJB jar can fail preparation due to incorrect deployment descriptors.

User Response:

Look for messages that appear between this message and the preceeding WSVR0207I message. If you find one, it may be related to the cause of this message. If none is found, use the exception that appears as part of this message as a possible cause of this message.

WSVR0209E: Unable to prepare EJB jar {0}, enterprise bean {1} {2}


An EJB can fail preparation if the container required classes have not been generated for the EJB.

User Response:

Verify the EJB jar that contains the failed EJB {1} has been deployed.

WSVR0210W: No modules defined for application, {0}, on server, {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0211W: Duplicate library, {0}, defined in {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0212W: Library, {0}, defined in {1} does not exist


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0213W: Classpath entry, {0}, in library, {1}, located at {2} has an invalid variable


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0214W: Application, {0}, already installed


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0215W: Starting application, {0}, failed. The application is not installed.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0216W: Stopping application, {0}, failed. The application is not started.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0217I: Stopping application: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0218W: No modules defined for application, {0}, on server, {1}, in cluster, {2}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0219I: Application, {0}, is disabled


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0220I: Application stopped: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0221I: Application started: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0313E: The Message Driven Bean listener service could not be started, message driven beans will not be able to receive messages.


The message listener service may be disabled.

User Response:

Verify the message listener service is enabled.

WSVR0400W: Unable to register the {0} MBean {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0401W: Unable to deregister the {0} MBean {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0402W: Invalid MBean name {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0500E: Unable to parse {0} at line {1}, column {3} {4}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0501E: Error creating component {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0600W: No thread context


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0601W: javaURLContext object missing for J2EEName {0}, caught exception {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0602W: Attempt to access javaNameSpace from a ComponentMetaData that does not support a javaNameSpace.


Only Web-Components and EJB-Components support access to the javaNameSpace.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0603E: ComponentMetaDataAccessor beginContext method received a NULL ComponentMetaData.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

WSVR0604I: Attempt to register EJBContainer MBean: caught exception {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.