WebSphere Management Connector SubsystemADMG0001E: Configuration data {1} is not found in document {0}.
The configuration data might be removed or the ID of configuration is not valid.
User Response:
Issue a query command to confirm this configuration data still exists.
ADMG0002E: Document {0} is not found.
The specified document is not found. It might be removed already, or the document URI is not valid.
User Response:
Issue a query command again to make sure the document URI is same as the returned query command.
ADMG0003E: Failed to load document {0}.
The reason could be that the document can not be retrieved from the configuration repository or the document is not a valid XMI document. The nested exception should explain the problem in more detail.
User Response:
Manully fix the document content or call IBM support for more information.
ADMG0004E: Failed to save document {0}.
The reason could be that the document can not be saved due to inconsistency of document content or the document can not be saved in config repository successfully. The nested exception should explain the problem in more detail.
User Response:
Discard the change and redo the operation.
ADMG0005E: Invalid attribute name {0}.
The attribute name is not valid.
User Response:
Get the meta information for the object and verify that the spelling of the attribute name is correct. Note that attribute names are case sensitive.
ADMG0006E: Invalid attribute name path {0}.
The attribute name path is not valid.
User Response:
Get the meta inforamation for the object and verify that the spelling of the attribute name is correct. Note that attribute names are case sensitive.
ADMG0007E: Invalid configuration data type {0}.
The type is invalid.
User Response:
Get the supported data type list and verify the data type name. Note that data type names are case sensitive.
ADMG0011E: Unexpected exception {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMG0012E: Invalid attribute value for attribute {0}.
The type of the supplied attribute value does not match the attribute's type.
User Response:
Get the meta information for that attribute and ensure the types match.
ADMG0013E: Invalid attribute value for attribute path {0}.
The type of the supplied attribute value does not match the attribute's type.
User Response:
Get the meta information for that attribute and ensure the types match.
ADMG0014E: Attribute {0} is a read only attribute.
The attribute is not allowed to be modified.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMG0015E: Attribute path {0} is read only and not modifiable.
The attribute path is not allowed to be modified.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMG0016E: Unable to get a validation manager for session {0}.
Exception occurred while obtaining ValidationManager.
User Response:
See the nested exception for more detailed information.
ADMG0017E: Validate operation failed for session {0} and scope {1}.
This is a generic error message for validation related errors.
User Response:
See the nested exception for more detailed information.
ADMG0018E: Unable to locate the node {0} for WASQueue {1}.
The WASQueue instance's "node" attribute value is not a valid node name.
User Response:
Supply a valid node name as the attribute value for "node" attribute on the WASQueue object.
ADMG0019E: Unable to locate the unique JMSServer on node {0}.
There should be only one JMSServer defined on a node, but more than one are defined on the specified node.
User Response:
Modify the configuration to remove the invalid JMSServer.
ADMG0020E: Required attribute {0} is not found.
A required attribute is not found.
User Response:
Supply the required attribute.
ADMG0021E: Expected template type {0} but the supplied template type is {1}.
The template type is different from the object type being created.
User Response:
Check the input parameters and ensure the template and object types match.
ADMG0022W: Unable to update serverindex.xml document for server {0}: {1}.
The serverindex.xml document is not available for update. There may be some inconsistency between the serverindex.xml document and the rest of the configuration.
User Response:
Manually update the serverindex.xml document to keep it consistent with the configuration.
ADMG0023W: Node creation is an invalid operation. The AddNode command line utility should be used instead.
The operation is not supported.
User Response:
Use the AddNode command line utility to incorporate a node into a cell.
ADMG0024W: Segment {1} of the containment path {0} is not correct.
The supplied parameter does not follow the detailed syntax described in the javadoc.
User Response:
Please refer to ConfigService#resolve method document for the syntax of a containment path.
ADMG0025W: Unable to define SERVER_LOG_ROOT VariableMap for server {0}:{1}
The server was created successfully, but the SERVER_LOG_ROOT VariableMap creation under the newly created server scope failed.
User Response:
Manually define the VariableMap SERVER_LOG_ROOT as ${LOG_ROOT}/serverName under the server scope in variables.xml.
ADMG0026E: Unable to find the server definition for cluster member {0} of cluster {1}.
When a new cluster member is added to a server cluster, the applications that are deployed on the clusters will be automatically deployed on new cluster member. This message indicates that the definition of an existing cluster member is not found, so the application deployment information can not be updated correctly for the new cluster member.
User Response:
Check server cluster configuration for inconsistencies or errors.
ADMG0027E: Unable to find the ServerEntry for server {0}.
There is an inconsistency between the server's configuration and its serverindex.xml document.
User Response:
Manually edit the server index document to keep it consistent with the server configuration.
ADMG0028W: Unable to delete the server definition for cluster member {0}.
A cluster member was removed from a server cluster, but the cluster member's server definition can not be removed.
User Response:
Manually remove the server definition from the cluster configuration.
ADMG0029W: Server {0} is a cluster member of cluster {1}.
A server may not be converted to a server cluster if it is part of an existing cluster.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMG0030E: Password for userId {0} is not specified.
If userId is specified, password must be specified when defaultPrincipalMapping is defined.
User Response:
Supply password for the specified userId.
ADMG0031E: The userId/password pair is not supplied and no JAASAuthData entry matches the specified alias {0}.
If userId/password pair is not supplied in a defaultPrincipalMapping for a J2CConnectionFactory, we assume the user wants to use an existing JAASAuthData.
User Response:
Supply userId/password pair or use an alias matching an existing JAASAuthData.
ADMG0032E: An existing JAASAuthData entry matches alias {0}, so we can not create JAASAuthData entry for userId {1}.
If userId/password is specified, a JAASAuthData entry will be created automatically when a defaultPrincipalMapping is defined. The creation of a JAASAuthData entry failed because an alias with the specified name already exists.
User Response:
Omit userId/password in order to use an existing JAASAuthData entry, or use a different alias to create a new JAASAuthData entry.
ADMG0033E: Server {0} can not be deleted because applications {1} are installed on it.
If a server were to be deleted without first uninstalling applications on it, the applications on that server will be in an inconsistent state and may not run normally.
User Response:
Uninstall the applications on the server first before deleting the server.
ADMG0034E: The specified node name {0} is not a valid node name.
The input parameter value is not a valid node name. Note that node name is case sensitive.
User Response:
Correct the input value.
ADMG0035E: User does not have suffient privilege to modify attribute {0} of object type {1} in document {2}.
"administrator" role is required to modify specified attribute.
User Response:
Login as a user who has "administrator" role and try the command again.
ADMG0036E: Operation {0} is not supported in local mode.
This operation is not supported when wsadmin or config service runs local mode without connecting with server.
User Response:
Start the server and retry the command.
ADMG0037E: New instance of {0} object can not be created since the "{1}" attribute of an existing {0} object has same value "{2}".
Some config object types require one of its attributes has unique value.For example, the "name" attribute of "VirtualHost" config object must be unique.
User Response:
Specify a different attribute to statisfy the uniqueness requirement.