WebSphere Activity ServiceADMN0001W: Unable to parse MBean descriptor file {0}.
A parsing error has occured when Admin code tries to read the mbean MBean descriptor file
User Response:
Find xml grammar errors for the MBean descriptor file in question and then correct them
ADMN0002E: {0} is not a valid visibility value which must be an integer within the range from 1 to 4 (inclusive).
Incorrect visibility has been specified
User Response:
Specify the visibility such that it falls in the range of 1 to 4 (inclusive).
ADMN0003E: Unable to load DTD file {0}.
Can not find the DTD file associated with MBean descriptor file
User Response:
Make sure the corresponding DTD file in the classpath
ADMN0004E: Unable to load parent type {0}.
The parent mbean descriptor failed to be loaded due to either parsing errors or the fact the parent type does not exist
User Response:
Make sure that there exists the mbean descriptor of parent type
ADMN0005E: Unable to activate MBean: type {0}, collaborator {1}, configuration id {2}, descriptor {3}.
Failed to load the corresponding MBean, in most cases, the MBean descriptor file can not found in the classpath or just wrong
User Response:
Make sure the correct MBean descriptor file is provided and accessible from the classpath.
ADMN0006W: More than one MBean has been registered with same configuration identifier {0}.
A conflict has occurred during the mbean registration
User Response:
For customer MBean, check the code to find out where the conflict is.
ADMN0007I: "getAttribute" method throws exception {0}.
Read the nested exception thrown here. In most cases, the attribute does not exist
User Response:
Follow the nested exception if attribute is correctly provided.
ADMN0008I: "getAttributes" method throws exception {0}.
Read the nested exception thrown here. In most cases, the attributes do not exist
User Response:
Follow the nested exception if attributes are correctly provided.
ADMN0009I: "setAttribute" method throws exception {0}.
Read the nested exception thrown here. In most cases, either attribute does not exist or the attribute type doesn't match
User Response:
Follow the nested exception if both attribute name and type are correct.
ADMN0010I: "setAttributes" method throws exception {0}.
Read the nested exception thrown here. In most cases, either attribute does not exist or the attribute type doesn't match
User Response:
Follow the nested exception if both attribute name and type are correct.
ADMN0011I: "invoke" method throws exception {0}.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0012I: Specified configuration id {0} contains illegal character '*' or ',' and is replaced as {1}.
Incorrect configuration id is provided.
User Response:
Double check the configuration id provided.
ADMN0013E: The "name" parameter cannot be null.
No target mbean is specified while registering a notification listener
User Response:
Specify a valid ObjectName for the target mbean
ADMN0014W: Could not send {0} notification: {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0015I: AdminService initialized
User Response:
ADMN0016E: The File Transfer Service could not be initialized. Configuration object could not be created. Exception {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0018W: Error registering AppManagementMBean: {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0020W: Exception getting local IP address: {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0021W: Could not dump JVM thread stack: {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0022E: Access denied for the {0} operation on {1} MBean due to insufficient or empty credentials.
No appropriate permission associated with the request thread.
User Response:
Make sure that appropriate credentials(userid/password) are specified before sending out the request
ADMN0024W: The config repository configuration contains a property with an undefined variable {0}. Exception information: {1}
Incorrect property specified for config repository configuration
User Response:
Check the property in question and then correct it.
ADMN0025E: Failed to get ModelMBeanInfo for mbean: {0}; Access denied.
For some requests such getAttribute, it's necessary to obtain the ModelMBeanInfo for the target mbean during the security checking. Apparently, no such ModelMBeanInfo is found for the target mbean
User Response:
Make sure that the target mbean exists in the server runtime.
ADMN0026I: Recycle the node {0} with file sync option: {1}
User Response:
ADMN0027E: The path for RAR file can not be null.
A valid path is required to create a J2CResourceAdapter
User Response:
Specifiy a valid RAR file path
ADMN0028E: Exception while open RAR file {0}. Exception is {1}
Failed to open the specified RAR file
User Response:
Make sure the path given is a valid one.
ADMN0029E: Error extracting archive {0}. The exception is {1}
Failed to extract the archive to the target directory
User Response:
Make sure that the archive specified exists and is not corrupted.
ADMN0030W: Error recycling node {0}. Exception information: {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0031E: Error extracting archive: could not create directory path {0}.
The path specified does not exist but unable to be created.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0032I: Executing script {0}
User Response:
ADMN0033E: An error occurred launching {0}: {1}
A problem occurred trying to launch the script which would perform the requested operation
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
ADMN0034E: Unable to obtain a valid admin client to connect process "{0}" from process "{1} due to exception: {2}"
The remote process may not be running and the routing table has not been updated
User Response:
Make sure the process you connect to is running.
ADMN0035W: The system clock of node {0} is not synchronized with that of the deployment manager.
If the system clocks on the deployment manager and a node are too far out of synchronization operations involving the node may fail when security is enabled.
User Response:
Set the systems clocks so that they are within at least a few minutes of each other.
ADMN1000I: Attempt made to launch {0} on node {1}. (User ID = {2})
This is an audit of an attempted process launch by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1001I: Attempt made to launch {0} on node {1}.
This is an audit of an attempted process launch. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1002I: Attempt made to stop node {0}. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted process stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1003I: Attempt made to stop node {0}.
This is an audit of an attempted process stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1004I: Attempt made to restart node {0}. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted node restart by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1005I: Attempt made to restart node {0}.
This is an audit of an attempted node restart. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1006I: Attempt made to synchronize the {0} node. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted node synchronization by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1007I: Attempt made to synchronize the {0} node.
This is an audit of an attempted node synchronization. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1008I: Attempt made to start the {0} application. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted application start by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1009I: Attempt made to start the {0} application.
This is an audit of an attempted application start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1010I: Attempt made to stop the {0} application. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted application stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1011I: Attempt made to stop the {0} application.
This is an audit of an attempted application stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1012I: Attempt made to start the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
This is an audit of an attempted cluster start by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1013I: Attempt made to start the {0} cluster.
This is an audit of an attempted cluster start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1014I: Attempt made to stop the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
This is an audit of an attempted cluster stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1015I: Attempt made to stop the {0} cluster.
This is an audit of an attempted cluster stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1016I: Attempt made to immediately stop the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
This is an audit of an attempted cluster immediate stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1017I: Attempt made to immediately stop the {0} cluster.
This is an audit of an attempted cluster immediate stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1018I: Attempt made to ripple start the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
This is an audit of an attempted cluster ripple start by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1019I: Attempt made to ripple start the {0} cluster.
This is an audit of an attempted cluster ripple start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1020I: Attempt made to stop the {0} server. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted server stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1021I: Attempt made to stop the {0} server.
This is an audit of an attempted server stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1022I: Attempt made to immediate stop the {0} server. (User ID = {1})
This is an audit of an attempted server immediate stop by the specified user.
User Response:
No action is necessary.
ADMN1023I: Attempt made to immediate stop the {0} server.
This is an audit of an attempted server immediate stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled.
User Response:
No action is necessary.