WebSphere Activity ServiceWACT0001E: The method {0} in class {1} received an unexpected exception; the exception stack trace follows: {2}.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
WACT0002E: An internal error occurred in method {0} in class {1}; the exception stack trace follows: {2}.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
WACT0003E: The size limit was exceeded for marshalled PropertyGroup data for Service {0}, PropertyGroup {1}; the size of the data is {2} bytes and the size limit is {3} bytes.
The Activity service detected that the property group data being transmitted on behalf of the named service exceeded the limit set. This limit defaults to 32768 bytes but can be overridden by the PropertyGroupManager properties at service registration.
User Response:
Reduce the amount of data in the property group or adjust the maximum size set by the PropertyGroupManager at service registration.
WACT0004E: The PropertyGroupManager {0} for service {1} failed to create a property group object when requested to do so by the Activity service.
The Activity service requested creation of a property group object by calling the PropertyGroupManager.create() method
User Response:
Reduce the amount of data in the property group or adjust the maximum size set by the PropertyGroupManager at service registration.
WACT0005E: The SignalSet {0} returned a null Signaling object on a call to setResponse for action outcome {1}. The signal being processed is {2}.
The Activity service requested a Signaling object from the SignalSet, and was passed a null object reference.
User Response:
Modify the SignalSet so that it returns a valid Signaling object.
WACT0006W: Activity {0} has timed out
The activity service has timed out the given activity
User Response:
To reduce future timeout occurrences, increase the activity timeout values.