Tivoli Performance ViewerPMON3001W: Connect canceled. Tivoli Performance Viewer will open in log replay mode.
A connection dialog is shown if Performance Viewer is not able to automatically connect to WebSphere in the localhost. When user cancels the connection dialog the tool opens in Log mode.
User Response:
By default the Performance Viewer connects to the localhost. To connect to a remote host run the tool as follows: tperfviewer hostname [port] [connetorType]. When Port and Connector are not provided the tool uses default values.
PMON3002W: Error connecting to WebSphere Application Server. Please start the application server (deployment manager in ND) to view performance data. The application server need not be running for replaying log files.
The Performance Viewer is not able to connect to WebSphere in the specified host. By default the tool connects to the localhost unless specified.
User Response:
Start WebSphere Application Server (or Net manager in case of Network Deployment version) and run the tool again. To connect to a specific host run the tool as follows: tperfviewer hostname [port] [connetorType]. When Port and Connector are not provided the tool uses default values.
PMON3003W: Reached end of log file. Click rewind to play from the beginning.
The log file that is being played has reached the end.
User Response:
To reply the same log file use Rewind and Play. To play another log file click Data Collection (first icon in the left side tree) and choose another log file.
PMON3006W: Performance data monitoring is not enabled for this selection. Would you like to set the monitoring level now?
Each module (shown the left side tree) has a monitoring level. If this level is set to None then no data will be collected for that module.
User Response:
Choosing 'Yes' in the dialog displays the current monitoring settings and allows the user to set the monitoring level. Choosing 'No' will cancel the dialog.
PMON3007W: Save the monitoring setting changes?
The monitoring settings has changed since the tool is opened. This dialog provides an option to persist the changes.
User Response:
To preserve the changes across WebSphere restarts choose 'Yes'. To discard the changes made since the tool is opened choose 'No'. Note that these settings are stored in the server side and hence shared by all instances of Performance Viewer and the Admin Console.
PMON3008W: Error connecting to application server (deployment manager in network deployment) using default settings. Please enter the connection parameters in the following dialog. For a single server environment, use application server host and connector port. For a network deployment, use deployment manager host and connector port. Cancel this message to replay log files. Note: Tivoli Performance Viewer can be started from the command-line as follows: tperfviewer hostname port
The Performance Viewer is not able to connect to the WebSphere in the localhost (default settings).
User Response:
Selecting 'OK' to this dialog displays a Connect dialog where the user can specify the desired host, port and connector.
PMON3009W: Performance Monitoring Service is either disabled for the following servers, or the servers may not be started. Ensure that the Performance Monitoring Service is enabled and restart the servers to view the performance data.
By default the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) Service is disabled. To view the performance data PMI service needs to be enabled and the server needs to be started.
User Response:
Use the WebSphere Administrative Console to enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) Service for each application server. The Application server needs to be restarted after enabling this service.
PMON3102W: The WebSphere server is not running. Please start the server if you want to use Tivoli Performance Viewer to display current data. The server is not required for replaying log files.
WebSphere Single Server Edition is not running.
User Response:
Start the WebSphere Single Server Edition and run this tool.
PMON3107W: Save the Monitoring setting changes in WebSphere Server?
This dialog provides an option to persist the monitoring setting changes.
User Response:
To persist the changes choose 'Yes', else choose 'No'.
PMON7001E: Error opening log file or unknown file format.
The tool encountered an error while replaying a recorded log file.
User Response:
This tool can replay XML or .perf (binary format) log that is recorded using the same version of the tool. This tool cannot reply logs that is recorded with Resource Analyzer 4.x.
PMON7002E: Invalid input. Enter a number between 1 and 500.
Invalid input for refresh rate (in seconds) or buffer size (number of records to display).
User Response:
Provide a value between 1 and 500.
PMON7003E: Error getting data. Server may be stopped.
Got an error while collecting performance data from the application server.
User Response:
Check if the Application Server or the Network is down.
PMON7004E: Invalid input. Select a number greater than 0.
Invalid input for scaling the chart.
User Response:
The graph in the chart mode can be scaled to fit the range of 0-100. Valid scale factor should be greater than zero.
PMON7005E: Help file not found. InfoCenter may not be installed.
Error locating the help files.
User Response:
Install WebSphere InfoCenter to view help files.
PMON7006E: A browser could not be launched to display help.
Error opening an HTML browser to display the help file.
User Response:
Install an HTML browser and try again.
PMON7008E: Error creating file in specified directory:
Error while creating a file for logging with the given file name.
User Response:
Check if the specified log file path is valid and the disk is not full.
PMON7009E: Exception due to invalid log file or program error while playing the log.
An exception occured while playing the log file. This can be due to a program error or corrupted log file. The exception message is appended along with the above message.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PMON7010E: Error enabling monitoring settings for the report.
Error while enabling performance settings for the modules that are used by Summary Reports.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PMON8001E: Advisor is not installed.
The Performance Advisor is not installed.
User Response:
Install the Performance Advisor and make sure perftuning.jar (Advisor classes) are in the classpath of this tool.
PMON8002E: Error parsing Advisor rule file.
Error while loading the Advisor rule/policy file.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PMON9000E: Invalid port. Using the default settings.
The port number specified in the tperfviewer command line is not valid. Using the default port 2809.
User Response:
The port should be a numeric and greater than zero. Check the WebSphere config files to find the correct port number.
PMON9001E: Invalid Version. Using the default settings.
The WebSphere version specified in the tperfviewer command line is not valid. Using WebSphere Version 5.0.
User Response:
Valid WebSphere Version Strings are: AE, AES, EPM, WAS50, WAS50ND
PMON9002E: Error - Invalid port. Please try again.
The specified port number is not valid.
User Response:
The port should be a numeric and greater than zero. Check the WebSphere config files to find the correct port number.