WAS Plugin Configuration GeneratorPLGC0001E: A cell name was not specified.
User Response:
You must specify a cell name.
PLGC0002E: A server name was specified without a node name.
Both server name and node name are required for single server plugin generation.
User Response:
If you specify a server name specify a node name.
User Response:
Review the usage information for GenPluginCfg for valid parameters.
PLGC0004E: An exception occurred while running GenPluginCfg. To see exception trace information, rerun GenPluginCfg with the -debug option set to yes.
User Response:
Use the debug option for more details.
PLGC0005I: Plugin Configuration file =
User Response:
PLGC0006E: An exception occurred while outputting the document.
An error occured while generating the plugin config file.
User Response:
Take a look at the exception to figure out the root cause of the exception. If problem persists contact IBM support.
PLGC0007E: Exception caught while generating plugin configuration document.
An error occured while generating the plugin config file.
User Response:
Take a look at the exception to figure out the root cause of the exception. If problem persists contact IBM support.
PLGC0008I: Generating single server plugin configuration file for cell
User Response:
PLGC0009I: Generating for all servers on cell
User Response:
PLGC0010E: No cell name specified...stopping generation.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0012I: Generating server plugin configuration file using the cluster definitions in cell
User Response:
PLGC0013I: Generating server plugin configuration file for all of the servers in cell
User Response:
PLGC0014E: No clusters or nodes have been defined...exiting.
There are no nodes or clusters defined in the present configuration. Hence there are no servers to generate plugin configuration for.
User Response:
Nodes and/or cluster should be created which have servers in them.
PLGC0015E: No server definitions found for cell
There are no servers defined in the given cell. Hence there are no servers to generate plugin configuration for.
User Response:
Servers should be first be created within the nodes and/or clusters before running the tool.
PLGC0016E: Server name not set for member server in cluster
One or more of the cluster members don't have server names.
User Response:
Please use the admin console or the wsadmin tool to fix this problem
PLGC0017E: Could not parse server cluster configuration for cluster
This error has occured because of a corrupt cluster configuration file.
User Response:
Please use the admin console to re-cluster your servers. If that fails delete any cluster configuration that may already be present and try again.
PLGC0018E: Exception while reading server cluster configuration for cluster
This error has occured because of a corrupt cluster configuration file.
User Response:
Please use the admin console to re-cluster your servers. If that fails delete any cluster configuration that may already be present and try again.
PLGC0019E: No cell definitions found.
There were no cells found in your existing configuration.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0020E: No valid server definitions found for server cluster
There were no servers found in the specified cluster
User Response:
Please user either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to configure the servers within the cluster.
PLGC0021E: No valid server definitions found for any cluster. No plugin-cfg.xml document generated.
There were no servers found. Hence there are no servers to generate plugin configuration for.
User Response:
Please user either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to configure the servers within the cluster.
PLGC0022W: No definition found for server
There was no configuration data found for one or more of the servers you specified.
User Response:
Please use either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to configure your servers.
PLGC0023E: Exception while reading configuration for server
There was no configuration data found for one or more of the servers you specified.
User Response:
Please use either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to configure your servers.
PLGC0024E: Exception thrown while getting web container configuration for server
There was no configuration data for the web container component of one or more of the specified servers.
User Response:
Please use either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to re-configure the webcontainers.
PLGC0025E: Could not get web container configuration for server
There was no configuration data for the web container component of one or more of the specified servers.
User Response:
Please use either the admin console or the wsadmin tool to re-configure the webcontainers.
PLGC0026E: Exception reading server index for server
The present configuration did not contain a server index file. This could be the result of a corrupt configuration
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0028E: Exception while reading deployed applications for server
One or more of the applications deployed on the specified servers could not be read
User Response:
Examine the exception, and if the problem persists redeploy the application in question. To narrow down the possibilities, try running the plugin config generator tool over a smaller set of servers.
PLGC0029E: Exception reading EAR file
One or more of the applications deployed on the specified servers could not be read
User Response:
Examine the exception, and if the problem persists redeploy the application in question. To narrow down the possibilities, try running the plugin config generator tool over a smaller set of servers.
PLGC0030E: No nodes have been defined in cell
There are no nodes defined in the present configuration. This could be the result of a corrupt configuration.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0031E: Error reading nodes in cell
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
If the problem persists contact IBM support.
PLGC0032E: Exception caught while generating plugin configuration:
User Response:
Examine the exception for nested exceptions and error codes. If the problem persists contact IBM support.
PLGC0033E: Runtime exception caught while generating plugin configuration:
User Response:
Examine the exception for nested exceptions and error codes. If the problem persists contact IBM support.
User Response:
PLGC0035E: Exception caught while getting the associated router module name
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0036E: Exception caught while getting dynamically generated servlet url patterns for webservices enabled war module
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
PLGC0037E: Can not load the helper class: com.ibm.ws.webservices.deploy.PluginCfgHelper
The webservices.jar file may not be in the classpath
User Response:
Check the classpath
PLGC0038E: The application server root must be specified in the generate method.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.