Connection ManagerCONM0000E: The Connection Manager Application Programming Interfaces have been removed. Use the Connection Pooling Application Programming Interfaces.
The methods being called have been removed.
User Response:
Use the new Connection Pooling API.
CONM1000E: Value "{0}" is invalid for property ({1}) for data source ({2}).
One of the DataSource properties is in an unexpected format.
User Response:
Verify all the properties for the data source are correct.
CONM1001E: Required property ({0}) is missing for data source ({1}).
A required property is missing.
User Response:
Verify that all required properties are being configured on the data source.
CONM1002E: Error decrypting default password: {0}
An exception occurred during the decryption of a password. Either the encrypted password data is corrupt or was encoded in an unsupported encryption.
User Response:
Replace the encrypted password with uncorrupt data or make sure it is encoded with a supported encryption algorithm.
CONM1003E: Error encrypting default password: {0}
An exception occurred during the encryption of a password. The password data is corrupt.
User Response:
Replace the corrupted password with uncorrupt data.
CONM1004W: The user for the supplied password is missing for data source ({0}).
The data source password is supplied, but the user is not; the password is ignored
User Response:
Supply the user corresponding to the password or remove the password
CONM1005W: The password for the supplied user "{0}", is missing for data source ({1}).
The data source user is supplied, but the password is not; the user is ignored
User Response:
Supply the password corresponding to the user or remove the user
CONM1006E: The data source class name "{0}" could not be found for data source ({1}).
The data source class name supplied could not be found
User Response:
Ensure that the jar/zip file with the specified class name has been installed. If the data source is being accessed by a direct JNDI lookup, rather than through a resource reference or a Container Managed Persistent EJB, add the jar/zip file to the ws.ext.dirs JVM system property on the application server.
CONM2000E: Unable to obtain any portability layer for data source ({0}).
Can not map this driver to a portability layer inclding the generic portability layer.
User Response:
Ensure 'cm.jar' is in the classpath and accessable.
CONM6000W: A resource was unable to process the two phase commit 'prepare' request as it only supports the one phase commit protocol. The datasource was: {0}
Trying to call 'prepare' on a one phase resource.
User Response:
CONM6001W: Unable to expand connection pool; waiting for a free connection instead
A connection could not be created.
User Response:
Make sure the database can create as many connections as the connection pool.
CONM6002W: Unable to get an XA resource {0}
Unable to get an XA resource while 'destroying' a connection. Calling destroy means to close the connection and remove it from the free pool.
User Response:
CONM6004E: The required default username for the supplied default password is missing for data source ({0}).
A password was supplied, but no user was supplied.
User Response:
Supply a valid username and password, or remove the password.
CONM6006E: The required default password for the supplied default username, "{0}", is missing for data source ({1}).
The default password is missing.
User Response:
Supply a valid password for the default user.
CONM6007I: The connection pool was destroyed for data source ({0}).
This is an expected message during the shutdown of an application server.
User Response:
CONM6008W: Timed out waiting for a connection from data source ({2}). For information about the active connections, set the datasource property "{0}" to {1} on the datasource "{2}".
All connections in the pool were in use for the duration of the connectionTimeOut period.
User Response:
1) Increase connectionTimeout Value. 2) Increase maximum number of connections and ensure the database can handle the increased connection load.
CONM6009E: Unable to get connection to the database from datasource ({0}).
Database unable to service a request for a new connection.
User Response:
Examine SQL State code from database to determine exact cause of problem.
CONM6010W: StaleConnection error occurred. Purging entire connection pool for data source ({0}).
Received a SateConnection error.
User Response:
Examine SQL State code from database to dertermine exact cause of problem.
CONM6011E: Connection Pooling Internal Error. Illegal ConnectO state, "{0}", on data source ({1}).
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
CONM6012E: Database error setting AutoCommit for data source ({0}).
Database unable to service request.
User Response:
Examine SQL State code from database to dertermine exact cause of problem.
CONM6013E: Connection has outstanding work and can not join a global transaction for data source ({0}).
Connection has work that is either uncommitted or not rolled back.
User Response:
Commit or roll back the work on the connection prior to using the connection in a global transaction.
CONM6014I: Received exception ({0}) in method ({1}). Issuing new exception ({2}). The original exception''s stack trace was: {3}
Informational message to note that one type of exception was received and another type issued.
User Response:
CONM6015E: Could not load XAResourceFactory in method ({0}) because the class ({1}) was not found. Issuing new ({2}).
Needed class not found.
User Response:
Make sure class exists in classpath and is accessable by the user.
CONM6016E: Unable to enlist with transaction. Issuing new ({0}).
The call to enlist with the transaction returned false or issued an exception
User Response:
Examine the WebSphere and database logs for messages which may indicate why the resource was unable to enlist.
CONM6017E: In method (enlist) the connection is already associated with another transaction.
This connection can not be enlisted in a transaction if it is already associated with a different transaction.
User Response:
Avoid caching a connection for use by more than one thread in multiple concurrent transactions.
CONM6018E: Calling unilateralCommit is not allowed on a JTAEnabled connection in a global transaction.
unilateralCommit was called on a JTAEnabled connection in a global transaction.
User Response:
Do not use unilateralCommit on a JTAEnabled connection in application code.
CONM6019W: A SQLException occurred while validating the connection for datasource {0}. The exception is {1}.
A SQLExcpetion was received while validating the connection. The connection pool will be purged and a new connection from the pool will be returned.
User Response:
CONM6020W: A Connection has been Orphaned and returned to pool {0}. {1}
A connection that was in use by an application has been held without being used or closed past the duration of the Orphan timeout.
User Response:
Be sure that all connections in the application are closed after each use.
CONM6021W: A Oracle JDBC provider property (TransactionLooselyCoupled) has been set. Oracle patch 2511780 must be applied before setting this property.
user set an a custom property when creating the Oracle jdbc provider, the property requires Oracle patch 2511780
User Response:
if patch is installed, no action is required, otherwise, user must contact Oracle support to obtain patch.
CONM6024W: An Exception, ({0}), was caught in createConnection().
This is a warning message indicating a non-SQL Exception was caught while creating a connection.
User Response:
CONM6025I: The following connection manager diagnostic options have been activated on datasource {0}: {1}
This is an informational message indicating what connection manager diagnostic options are currently set.
User Response:
CONM6026W: Timed out waiting for a connection from data source {0}. {1}
This is a warning message showing all active connection tracers when a connection timeout occurs.
User Response:
CONM6027W: A Connection has been Orphaned and returned to pool {2}. For information about what code path is orphaning connections, set the datasource property "{0}" to {1} on the datasource "{2}".
This is a warning message describing how to turn on diagnostic information to detect orphaned connection code paths.
User Response:
Set diagnostic options to value mentioned in message.
CONM7000W: Unrecognized database or driver {0}; using generic settings
The database product ID or driver class name was not found in the list of known databases.
User Response:
Check to ensure the spelling is correct and that the database is supported.
CONM7001E: The following exception occurred introspecting class {0}: {1}
An error occurred during introspection of the datasource class.
User Response:
Examine the underlying exception for more details.
CONM7002W: Could not find the property {0} on class {1}
The property to be set does not exist on the class.
User Response:
Ensure that the property name specified is correct.
CONM7003W: Could not find method to write property {0} on class {1}
A method to write the property does not exist on the class.
User Response:
The property specified exists, but a write method does not; ensure that the property specified can be written to the datasource.
CONM7004W: An exception occurred setting the property {0} on class {1}: {2}
An exception occurred setting the property specified to the datasource
User Response:
Examine the underlying exception for more details
CONM7005E: The class ({0}) does not implement javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource or javax.sql.XADataSource
The datasource class provided must implement javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource or javax.sql.XADataSource.
User Response:
Consult your database documentation and provide a class name that implements one of the above interfaces.
CONM7006E: An exception occurred instantiating the class ({0}) for datasource ({1}): {2}
An exception occurred instantiating the datasource provided.
User Response:
Examine the underlying exception for more details.
CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode {0} and SQLState {1}, to a StaleConnectionException: {2}
User Response:
CONM7008W: Repeatable read isolation level or stronger is needed to eliminate potential lost updates to bean {0} if updated concurrently by multiple transactions.
A transaction is storing an update to a CMP entity bean. If another concurrently executing transaction is storing the same CMP entity bean, the updates of one transaction may overlay the updates of the other transaction.
User Response:
The application must ensure that concurrent transactions never update the same CMP EntityBean. If this can not be done, then CMP entity bean must be redeployed using either the JDBC repeatable read or serializable isolation level. Remember to redeploy all other bean accessed by the transaction to use the same isolation level.
CONM7009W: A READ ONLY intent was used to update bean {0}. An UPDATE intent is required to eliminate potential lost updates to bean {0} when used concurrently by multiple transactions.
A transaction is storing an update to a CMP entity bean and the bean was deployed using read only access intent. If another transaction is storing the same CMP entity bean, the updates of one transaction may overlay the updates of the other transaction.
User Response:
The application must ensure that concurrent transactions never update the same CMP EntityBean. If this can not be done, then the CMP entity bean must be redeployed using an update access intent rather than a read only access intent to maintain data consistency.
CONM7010W: A deadlock may occur while storing CMP entity bean {0} during multi client same key access processing. A read only method was followed by an update to the database. You may need to change a read only method from an access intent of READ to an access intent of UPDATE to avoid potential deadlock problems.
A transaction is storing an update to a CMP entity bean. The bean is deployed using read only access intent and either JDBC repeatable read or JDBC serializable isolation level. If another transaction is storing the same CMP entity bean, a database deadlock can occur as a result of promotion of a read/share lock to a write/exclusive lock.
User Response:
The application must ensure that concurrent transactions never update the same CMP EntityBean. If this can not be done, then the CMP entity bean must be redeployed using an update access intent rather than a read only access intent.
CONM7011W: Could not find the jar/zip file for the datasource class {0} in the provider library path for the datasource {1}. The code will check the classpath for the jar/zip file.
The code needs to load the class for the jdbc datasource, but the jar or zip file for the datasource class was not found on the provider library path for the datasource.
User Response:
Either correct the install of WebSphere so the datasource class can be found on the provider library path or add the data source class jar/zip file to the classpath.
CONM7012E: Could not find the jar/zip file for the datasource class {0} in the provider library path for the datasource {1} or in the classpath.
The code needs to load the class for the jdbc datasource, but the jar or zip file for the datasource class was not found on the provider library path for the datasource or in the classpath.
User Response:
Either correct the install of WebSphere so the datasource class can be found on the provider library path or add the datasource class jar/zip file to the classpath.
CONM7013W: Both the username and the password must be set for test connection button to work
Either user name or password, but not both was set on a test connection request
User Response:
Specify both user name and password, or specify neither
CONM7014W: testConnectionToDataSource - failed : {0}
A test connection was attempted from the Administrative Console. This operation failed with the listed exception.
User Response:
Examine the exception for an explanation of the failed connection.
CONM7015E: The was.install.library property has not been set
The was.install.library property has not been set.
User Response:
Set the was.install.library property.
CONM7016W: ConnectO.destroy(): failed during delist from LocalTran : {0}
User Response:
CONM7017E: Exception on delistResource for Local Tran: {0}
The exception listed was received while delisting from the local transaction.
User Response:
Examine the exception to find the root cause of the problem.
CONM7018E: Attempted to use a 4.0 DataSource with an invalid EJB. Current EJB module is: {0}
Only EJB's in 1.1 modules may be used with a 4.0 DataSource.
User Response:
Either reconfigure the EJB to be in 1.1 Module, or configure your EJB to use a 5.0 DataSource.
CONM7019E: Attempted to use a 4.0 DataSource from a version 2.3 (or higher) servlet. Invalid configuration.
Only servlets with versions earlier than 2.3 may be used with a 4.0 DataSource.
User Response:
Either reconfigure to use an earlier Servlet version, or configure your servlet to use a 5.0 DataSource.
CONM7020W: Unable to determine the backend database type. DB2/390 semantics will not be used.
The runtime was unable to determine if the DB2Connect backend was a DB2/390 database.
User Response:
For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.
CONM8000E: Method {0} is not supported on a JDBC 2.0 compliant DataSource.
The method being invoked is a JDBC 3.0 compliant method, and is not supported on this JDBC 2.0 compliant connection manager.
User Response:
Do not invoke this method, or use a JDBC 3.0 compliant connection pooling mechanism.