EJB Container

CNTR0001W: A Stateful SessionBean could not be passivated: {0} {1} {2}


The container was unable to passivate a stateful session bean

User Response:

Check that passivation directory exists, the process has write permissions in that directory, and that there is enough disk space.

CNTR0002W: Failed to get the wrapper for a home. Home: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0003W: A Stateful SessionBean could not be activated: {0} {1} {2}


The container failed to activate a stateful session bean from storage due to exception {2}.

User Response:

Take action based upon message in exception {2}.

CNTR0004E: An attempt to acquire a lock was interrupted. Lock : {0}


A thread attempting to acquire an exclusive lock within the container was interrupted while waiting for the lock.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0005W: An enterprise bean could not be passivated: {0} {1} {2}


The container was unable to passivate an enterprise bean due to exception {2}.

User Response:

Take action based upon message in exception {2}.

CNTR0006W: EJBObject "{0}" could not be connected to the ORB.


On an attempt to activate a stateful bean the container failed to connect a deserialized stub (reference) object.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0007W: The resolveObject method failed to resolve Enterprise bean reference to a beanO object. BeanO: {0} activatedBeanO: {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0008W: A passivated Stateful SessionBean could not be removed: {0} {1} {2}


The container was unable to remove a passivated stateful session bean from storage due to exception {2}.

User Response:

Take action based upon message in exception {2}.

CNTR0009W: An attempt to access bean "{0}" failed because it was not previously installed or problems occurred during its installation.


An attempt was made to access an enterprise bean which has not been installed in the container.

User Response:

Look for prior error messages that indicate bean installation has failed.

CNTR0010W: NumberFormatException occurred while converting {0} {1}: {2}


The container was unable to process an environment entry due to a NumberFormatException.

User Response:

Ensure that the value for the environment entry is a valid string representation for the specified type.

CNTR0011W: An invalid type was specified for a bean''s java:comp/env context environment entry: {0}


The container encountered an invalid type for an environment entry.

User Response:

Ensure that the environment entry type is one of : String,Integer,Boolean,Double,Byte,Short,Long or Float.

CNTR0012W: Collaborator {0} threw unexpected exception - proceeding with remaining collaborators. Exception data:{1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0013W: Unable to map exception. {0} {1}


The container was unable to map exception {0} to a valid CORBA exception.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0014W: StatefulBeanReaper thread was interrupted; terminating. {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0015W: An unexpected exception occurred during stateful bean cleanup. Exception data: {0} {1}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0016W: Passivated Stateful SessionBean "{0}" could not be removed due to exception: {1}


The container was unable to remove a passivated stateful session bean from the passivation store.

User Response:

Take action based upon message in exception {1}.

CNTR0017W: Security collaborator threw unexpected exception. Exception data: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0018E: Non-application exception occurred. Exception data: {0}


A system exception occurred while invoking a method on an Enterprise Java Bean.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0019E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method "{1}". Exception data: {0}


A system exception occurred while invoking a method on an Enterprise Java Bean.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0020E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method "{1}" on bean "{2}". Exception data: {0}


A system exception occurred while invoking a method on an Enterprise Java Bean.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0021E: Non-application exception occurred on bean "{1}": Exception data: {0}.


A system exception occurred while invoking a method on an Enterprise Java Bean.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0022E: Transaction coordinator not available. {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0023W: Directory "{0}" does not exist. The EJB Container will use the current directory for passivating beans.


The container failed to open the passivation directory.

User Response:

Ensure that the passivation directory exists.

CNTR0024W: Unable to open input stream: {0} {1} {2}


The ejb container encountered an IOException while attempting to read a file for a stateful session bean.

User Response:

See message in IOException to determine action to take. Ensure proper file permissions are set for the file.

CNTR0025W: Unable to open output stream: {0} {1} {2}


The container encountered an IOException while attempting to write a file for a stateful session bean.

User Response:

See message in IOException to determine action to take. Ensure proper file permissions are set for the file.

CNTR0026W: DataSource name for CMP bean "{0}" is null. Bean will be unavailable for use.


No datasource has been specified for the entity bean {0}.

User Response:

Specify a datasource for the entity bean or a default datasource for the module.

CNTR0027W: Failed to commit connection: {0}


SQLException occurred while trying to commit a datasource connection.

User Response:

Take action recommended in database messages reference for the message associated with exception {0}.

CNTR0028W: Failed to close connection: {0}


SQLException occurred while trying to close a datasource connection.

User Response:

Take action recommended in database messages reference for the message associated with exception {0}.

CNTR0031W: Error starting CMP bean {0}: {1}


Entity bean may have been bound to a datasource using a undefined or incorrect datasource name. If correct datasource name, the datasource itself maybe configured incorrectly.

User Response:

If CNTR0026W precedes this message, you need to provide the name of the datasource. If CNTR0026W did not precede this message, check datasource name that appears in the CNTR0032W message that follows this message. If a name not found exception occurred, you probably provided an incorrect datasource name. If correct datasource name is provided, then check the datasource configuration. For example, you may have specified incorrect database name, user id, or password in the datasource configuration.

CNTR0032W: Error creating CMP persister using datasource: {0}


This message immediately follows CNTR0031W message and provides the datasource name used when starting the entity bean.

User Response:

Take the action described for message CNTR0031W.

CNTR0033E: EJB container ignoring caught unexpected exception: {0}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0034I: ContainerEJBException.getExceptionChain is returning an incomplete list of exceptions.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0035E: EJB container caught {0} and is throwing {1}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0036E: EJB container does not support using the bean instance for finder methods on EJB 1.x container managed persistence and is throwing {0}


A bean configured for EJB 1.x container managed persistence has attempted to invoke methods on a bean instance for finder method processing.

User Response:

Redeploy the bean and try again.

CNTR0037E: Prepared statement does not map to connection.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0038W: The TX attribute needs to be changed to eliminate potential lost updates to bean {0} when used concurrently by multiple transactions. The bean should not be using the TX_NOT_SUPPORTED, TX_NEVER, or TX_SUPPORTS transaction attribute.


A transaction was started by using either the TX_NOT_SUPPORTED, TX_NEVER, or the TX_SUPPORTS transaction attribute. The transaction updated a CMP entity bean and is storing the update to persistent store. If a concurrent transaction uses the CMP entity bean with the same primary key value, the updates of one transaction may overlay the updates of the other transaction.

User Response:

The application must ensure that concurrent transactions never update a CMP entity bean with the same primary key value. If that cannot be done, then whichever bean begins the transaction must use a transaction attribute other than TX_NEVER, TX_NOT_SUPPORTED, or TX_SUPPORTS to ensure that data consistency is maintained.

CNTR0039E: EJB container caught {0} and is rethrowing the caught exception.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0040E: Finder failure as a result of exception {0}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0041W: Finder result collection exceeded limit. Only the first Integer.MAX_VALUE elements are processed.


The finder resulted in a collection that contains more than 2147483647 entity beans.

User Response:

Change the finder so that it does not result in such a huge collection of entity beans.

CNTR0043E: Bean "{0}" is attempting to use an invalid combination of ActivationPolicy and LoadPolicy on a work load managed server.


The user has specified Commit Option A on an Enterprise Bean contained within a work load managed server. This combination is not supported.

User Response:

Either change the Enterprise Bean to use a different Commit Option, change the server to not be work load managed.

CNTR0044W: Bean "{0}" is attempting to use an invalid combination of Activation Policy: Transaction and Load Policy : Activation. Defaulting Load Policy to : Transaction.


The activation policy specified for enterprise bean {0} is not supported. The default action (Option C) taken may not be what you wanted to occur. The combination of Activation Policy and Load Policy is WebSphere way of implementing commit option A, B, and C in the EJB specification.

User Response:

You need to redeploy enterprise bean using a valid combination to eliminate this message.

CNTR0045W: Unable to convert remote object to stub. Possible reason="{0}".


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0046E: Bean "{0}" did not specify a connection factory binding.


Neither the bean specific nor the default connection factory binding is specified for the bean "{0}".

User Response:

Specify a connection factory binding when installing bean "{0}".

CNTR0047E: Bean is attempting to use interface or method "{0}" in a situation prohibited by the EJB specification.


The method "{0}" is disallowed per the EJB Specification for one of the following reasons: - The getRollbackOnly and setRollbackOnly methods of the MessageDriven-Context interface should be used only in the message-driven bean methods that execute in the context of a transaction. # - Invoking the getCallerPrincipal and isCallerInRole methods is disallowed in the message-driven bean methods because the Container does not have a client security context. # - Invoking the getRollbackOnly and setRollbackOnly methods is disallowed in the message-driven bean methods for which the Container does not have a meaningful transaction context, and for all message-driven beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation. # - The UserTransaction interface is unavailable to message-driven beans with container- managed transaction demarcation. # - Invoking getEJBHome or getEJBLocalHome is disallowed in message-driven bean methods because there are no EJBHome or EJBLocalHome objects for message-driven beans. #

User Response:

The user must not invoke method "{0}" in this environment.

CNTR0048W: Bean''s finder method "{0}" erroneously specifies a finder collection timeout scope of zero.


The finder method "{0}" has finder collection timeout scope specified but with zero as the value.

User Response:

Provide a non-zero value if finder collection timeout scope is desired.

CNTR0049E: Bean is attempting to use an invalid combination of Commit Option A and Optimistic Concurrency.


The user has specified Commit Option A and Optimistic Concurrency Control on an Enterprise Bean. This combination is not supported.

User Response:

Change the enterprise bean to use either Commit Option A or Optimistic Concurrency Control, but not both.

CNTR0050E: Protocol error occurred in container transaction.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0051E: Transaction has timed out due to no client activity for greater than {1} seconds. Transaction ID: {0}


The client has been inactive longer than inactivity timeout value of {1} seconds.

User Response:

This can be a normal occurrence if client goes away and leaves a transaction active. If client is still active, you need to have administrator determine whether to change Client or Transaction Inactivity Timeout value.

CNTR0052W: LRU thread was interrupted. Terminating. {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0053W: Caught an exception during LRU sweep {0} {1}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0054W: Exception thrown by discard strategy {0} {1}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0055W: A Throwable exception was caught while attempting to construct {0} {1} {2}


The container caught a Throwable while trying to create a java:comp/env entry.

User Response:

Take action based upon message associated with exception {2}.

CNTR0056W: Failed to get the wrapper for a bean. Bean: {0}


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0057W: Minimum pool size specified for bean {0} not a valid integer: {1} Default used instead.


Only a positive integer may be specified for the minimum pool size. The default value will be used instead.

User Response:

Change the value to a positive integer.

CNTR0058W: Maximum pool size specified for bean {0} not a valid integer: {1} Default used instead.


Only a positive integer may be specified for the maximum pool size. The default value will be used instead.

User Response:

Change the value to a positive integer.

CNTR0059W: Minimum pool size specified for bean {0} is greater than maximum pool size specified: ({1},{2}) Defaults used instead.


The maximum pool size must be greater than or equal to the minimum size. Default values will be used for min and max.

User Response:

Change the max size to be greater than or equal to the min size.

CNTR0060I: (Min,Max) pool size is ({0},{1}) for bean {2}


These are the minimum and maximum pool size values that will be used for this bean type.

User Response:


CNTR0061I: Read-only attribute on findByPrimaryKey method overridden to true for bean:


The user has specified that the findByPrimaryKey read-only attribute be overridden to true on all EntityBeans.

User Response:


CNTR0062W: An equals sign was not found in the pool size specification string {0}


The format of a pool size specification is: bean_name=min,max . An equals sign must be present between the bean name and the min/max value(s).

User Response:

Ensure that an equals sign is present between the bean name and the min/max value(s).

CNTR0063W: A reference to an EJB could not be found in the deployment descriptor for the WebApp or EnterpriseBean with the display name {0}. The EJB may have specified binding information that is not valid.


A deployment descriptor with invalid syntax may be at fault.

User Response:

Verify the binding information in the deployment descriptor for the EJB is correct.

CNTR0064E: A bean instance of type "{0}" with an activity session based activation policy attempted to become involved with multiple concurrent transactions.


An EJB activated within an activity session should only participate in serial transactions. Having varying transaction attributes, like REQUIRES for one method and REQUIRES_NEW or NOT_SUPPORTED for another can cause this error.

User Response:

Review the transaction attributes assigned to the EJB methods and verify the method call sequences do not result in multiple concurrent transactions for the same bean within an activity session.

CNTR0065E: CMP bean "{0}" attempted to use an unsupported Local Transaction resolution control value.


Only ContainerAtBoundary resolution control is supported for Local Transactions with CMP beans.

User Response:

Using assembly tool, change "Resolution Control" to "ContainerAtBoundary" within IBM Extensions tab for the CMP bean and restart the server.

CNTR0066E: Bean "{0}" attempted to use an invalid Local Transaction boundary value of "activity session".


Local transaction boundary of activity session is invalid for Stateless Session Beans and Message Driven Beans.

User Response:

Change local transaction boundary from "activity session" to "bean method" and restart the application server.

CNTR0067W: SessionBean "{0}" or its home attempted to use an invalid combination of Bean Managed Transactions and method-level Transaction attributes.


A Session Bean or Home of a Session Bean with "Bean Managed Transactions" should not declare method transaction attributes.

User Response:

Remove the transaction attributes for the methods of this bean or its home.

CNTR0068W: Bean "{0}" or its home attempted to use an invalid combination of Bean Managed Activity Sessions and method-level Activity Session attributes.


An EJB or its home with "Bean Managed Transactions" should not declare "Container Managed Activity Session" attributes for its methods.

User Response:

Remove the "Container Managed Activity Session" attributes for the methods of this EJB or its home.

CNTR0069E: Bean "{0}" in an EJB 1.1 module attempted to use an invalid "Activate at" policy of "Activity Session".


Use of Activity Sessions is not supported on EJB 1.1 modules.

User Response:

Select "Once" or "Transaction" for Activate At policy.

CNTR0070E: Bean "{0}" in an EJB 1.1 module attempted to use an invalid Local Transactions Boundary of "Activity Session".


Activity Sessions are not supported on EJB 1.1 modules.

User Response:

Select "Bean method" for Local Transactions Boundary.

CNTR0071E: Bean "{0}" in an EJB 1.1 module attempted to use an invalid Local Transactions Resolution control of "ContainerAtBoundary".


Local Transactions Resolution control, "ContainerAtBoundary" is not supported for EJB1.1 modules.

User Response:

Select "Application" for Local Transactions Resolution control.

CNTR0072E: Bean "{0}" attempted to use an invalid "Activate at" policy with a container managed Activity Session.


Beans configured to use container managed Activity Session must use an "Activate at" policy of "Activity Session".

User Response:

Ensure that an "Activate at" policy of "Activity Session" is used when using container managed Activity Session support.

CNTR0073E: Bean "{0}" attempted to use an invalid Local Transactions Resolution control.


For Container-managed Transaction or Activity Session, the Local Transactions Resolution control must be ContainerAtBoundary.

User Response:

Set Local Transactions Resolution control to "ContainerAtBoundary".

CNTR0074E: Unexpected method call occurred in {0}.


This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.

User Response:

For further information on resolving this error, please consult support. For more information, see Get support for WebSphere Application Server for iSeries.

CNTR0075E: The user-provided class "{0}" needed by the EnterpriseBean could not be found or loaded.


One or more of the bean''s implementation, home interface, remote interface, local interface, or other similar class could not be found or loaded.

User Response:

Check to ensure that the bean implementation class, home interface, remote interface, and other classes are installed and configured correctly.

CNTR0076W: A reference to an ResourceRef could not be found in the deployment descriptor for the WebApp or EnterpriseBean with the display name {0}. The J2EE component may have specified binding information that is not valid.


A deployment descriptor with invalid syntax may be at fault.

User Response:

Verify the binding information in the deployment descriptor for J2EE component is correct.

CNTR0077W: A reference to an ResourceEnvRef could not be found in the deployment descriptor for the WebApp or EnterpriseBean with the display name {0}. The J2EE component may have specified binding information that is not valid.


A deployment descriptor with invalid syntax may be at fault.

User Response:

Verify the binding information in the deployment descriptor for J2EE component is correct.

CNTR0078I: Custom Finder access intent support enabled for bean {0}


The user has specified that Custom Finders access intent must be honored. If the method has an Update access intent the Access Intent will be honored.

User Response:

The user can disable access intent processing for custom finders by using JVM and bean level properties or setting the access intent of method to Read-Only.