Class TraceElementState

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TraceElementState
extends java.lang.Object

A TraceElementState object is an object whose contents contain a snapshot of the trace enable/disable state of an element for which trace can be enabled or disabled. The element is a named entity and is managed as an atomic unit by the WebSphere trace service. A WebSphere JRas RASTraceLogger a trace group or a WebSphere internal TraceComponent are examples of such elements.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int debugEnabled
          An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if Debug tracing is enabled.
static int entryExitEnabled
          An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if EntryExit tracing is enabled.
static int eventEnabled
          An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if Event tracing is enabled.
 int mask
          The mask whose contents capture the trace enable state for the trace entity identified by the name attribute.
 java.lang.String name
          The name of the trace entity whose state is captured by this TraceElementState
Constructor Summary
TraceElementState( element)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int eventEnabled
An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if Event tracing is enabled. If the results of "anding" this objects mask with this constant is nonzero, then Event tracing is enabled.


public static final int entryExitEnabled
An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if EntryExit tracing is enabled. If the results of "anding" this objects mask with this constant is nonzero, then EntryExit tracing is enabled.


public static final int debugEnabled
An integer constant that can be used in a comparison check against the current value of a TraceElementStates mask to determine if Debug tracing is enabled. If the results of "anding" this objects mask with this constant is nonzero, then Debug tracing is enabled.


public java.lang.String name
The name of the trace entity whose state is captured by this TraceElementState


public int mask
The mask whose contents capture the trace enable state for the trace entity identified by the name attribute.
Constructor Detail


public TraceElementState( element)

Usage of this constructor is reserved. It may only be called by the WebSphere Application Server ras component.