Interface WsnBatchResult

public interface WsnBatchResult

An instance of this interface consists of the input and results for one JNDI operation on a context. This interface contains "get" methods for the operation name, all possible parameters, the return value, a success/failure indicator, and the exception thrown, if any.

See Also:
WsnBatchCompleteResults, WsnBatchModeContext

Field Summary
static int BIND
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a bind operation.
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a createSubcontext operation.
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a destroySubcontext operation.
static int LOOKUP
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a lookup operation.
static int REBIND
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a rebind operation.
static int RENAME
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a rename operation.
static int UNBIND
          Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a unbind operation.
Method Summary
 javax.naming.NamingException getException()
          Returns the exception thrown by the operation, if an exception was thrown.
 java.lang.Object getInputObject()
          Returns the java.lang.Object input parameter value.
 javax.naming.Name getName()
          Returns the javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
 javax.naming.Name getNewName()
          Returns the "new name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
 javax.naming.Name getOldName()
          Returns the "old name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
 int getOperation()
          Returns the batched operation type.
 java.lang.Object getOutputObject()
          Returns the Object result.
 boolean getResult()
          Indicates whether or not the operation was successful.
 javax.naming.Context getSubcontext()
          Returns the Context result.

Field Detail


public static final int LOOKUP
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a lookup operation.

The value for this constant is 1.


public static final int BIND
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a bind operation.

The value for this constant is 2.


public static final int REBIND
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a rebind operation.

The value for this constant is 3.


public static final int UNBIND
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a unbind operation.

The value for this constant is 4.


public static final int CREATESUBCONTEXT
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a createSubcontext operation.

The value for this constant is 5.


public static final int DESTROYSUBCONTEXT
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a destroySubcontext operation.

The value for this constant is 6.


public static final int RENAME
Constant returned by getOperation() which indicates that the results contained in this object are from a rename operation.

The value for this constant is 7.

Method Detail


public int getOperation()
Returns the batched operation type.
Returns the static final int of the operation requested, e.g. BIND, LOOKUP, etc.


public javax.naming.Name getName()
                          throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the javax.naming.Name input parameter value. This parameter is specified on the following operations: bind, createSubcontext, destroySubcontext, lookup, rebind, rename, or unbind.
the javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the value was not specified on input to the batch operation.


public javax.naming.Name getOldName()
                             throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the "old name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value. This parameter is specified on rename operations.
the "old name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the value was not specified on input to the batch operation.


public javax.naming.Name getNewName()
                             throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the "new name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value. This parameter is specified on rename operations.
the "new name" javax.naming.Name input parameter value.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the value was not specified on input to the batch operation.


public javax.naming.Context getSubcontext()
                                   throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the Context result. This result may be returned on the following operations: createSubcontext.
the Context which resulted from the createSubcontext batch operation.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the batch operation did not produce a return value.


public java.lang.Object getInputObject()
                                throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the java.lang.Object input parameter value. A java.lang.Object is input to the following operations: rebind.
the java.lang.Object input parameter value to the batched rebind operation.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the value was not specified on input to the batch operation.


public java.lang.Object getOutputObject()
                                 throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the Object result. An Object may be returned on the following operations: lookup.
Returns the object result of a batched lookup operation.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the batch operation did not produce the specified value.


public boolean getResult()
Indicates whether or not the operation was successful.
true if the operation was successul, false if an exception was thrown.


public javax.naming.NamingException getException()
                                          throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the exception thrown by the operation, if an exception was thrown. If a call to getResult returns false, an exception was thrown. If no exception was thrown, getException throws a NamingException.
the NamingException thrown during the batch operation.
javax.naming.NamingException - if the batch operation did not result in an exception.