
public class PROPS
extends java.lang.Object

Constants defined by the WebSphere Naming implementation which can be set by users to control the behavior of various features.

Field Summary
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the cell persistent root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_CELL_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the cell root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_HOST_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the boostrap host root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_LEGACY_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the legacy root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_NAME_SERVICE
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the default CORBA initial context.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_NODE_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the node root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_SERVER_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the server root.
static java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_TREE_ROOT
          Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the tree infrastructure root.
          Constant for the generic URL initial context factory in WebSphere.
static java.lang.String GENERIC_URL_PACKAGE
          Constant for the property name which is used to specify the package name to the generic URL initial context factory.
static java.lang.String GENERIC_URL_SCHEMEID
          Constant for the property name which is used to specify the scheme ID to the generic URL initial context factory.
static java.lang.String HOSTNAME_NORMALIZER
          Constant for the property name which is used to specify the name of the java class to be used for hostname normalization processing.
static java.lang.String INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY
          WebSphere's initial context factory classname.
          Deprecated. In WebSphere version 4.0, this factory was replaced by INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and will be removed some time in the future.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE
          Constant for the property name which is used to control the "time to live" for individual JNDI cache entries.
          Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE
          Constant for the property name which is used to control the "time to live" for the contents of a JNDI cache as a whole.
          Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_NAME
          Constant for the property name which is used to select the JNDI cache to be used by a new initial context instance.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_NAME_DEFAULT
          Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_NAME.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT
          Constant for the property name which is used to control connection to a cache when a new initial context is instantiated.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_CLEARED
          Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to enable JNDI caching such that an existing cache is cleared of its contents when the new initial context is instantiated.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_DEFAULT
          Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_NONE
          Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to disable JNDI caching.
static java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_POPULATED
          Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to enable JNDI caching such that an existing cache is used as is.
static java.lang.String LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACE
          Constant for the property name which is used to turn LDAP protocol tracing on or off.
static java.lang.String LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACEFILE
          Constant for the property name which is used to specify a filename to receive the output of LDAP protocol tracing.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT
          Constant for the property name which is used to select the WebSphere root to be used as the initial context.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_HOST
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the boostrap host root for the name server being accessed.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_NODE
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the node root for the name server being accessed.
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the server root for the name server being accessed.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_CELL
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the cell root for the name server being accessed.
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the cell persistent root for the name server being accessed.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select the default root context for the provider URL type and the type of name server being accessed.
static java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_LEGACY
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the legacy domain root for the name server being accessed.
          Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the root of the overall name tree for the name server being accessed.
static java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX
          Constant for the property name passed when creating an initial context which is used to identify the syntax for parsing the string form of JNDI names.
static java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX_INS
          Constant for the NAME_SYNTAX property value used to parse names in INS name syntax.
static java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX_JNDI
          Constant for the NAME_SYNTAX property value used to parse names in "JNDI" name syntax.
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION
          Constant for the name space connection which is used to specify when the name space being connected.
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_EAGER
          Constant for the value of NAMESPACE_CONNECTION.
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_LAZY
          Constant for the value of NAMESPACE_CONNECTION.
static java.lang.String ORB_TO_USE_FACTORY
          Property used to pass a factory, when creating an initial context, that will be used for creating an instance of an ORB object.
static java.lang.String ORB_TO_USE_INSTANCE
          Property used to pass an instance of an ORB object when creating an initial context.
Constructor Summary
protected PROPS()
          This class contains only constants and does not need to be instantiated.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY
WebSphere's initial context factory classname. When connecting to a WebSphere name server, set the property javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY to this value.

The value for this constant is "".


public static final java.lang.String INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY_LEGACY
Deprecated. In WebSphere version 4.0, this factory was replaced by INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY and will be removed some time in the future.

WebSphere's legacy initial context factory classname.

The value for this constant is "".


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT
Constant for the property name which is used to select the WebSphere root to be used as the initial context. When a corbaloc or corbaname object URL is used as the provider URL specification, the property is used only if the URL is an iiop type URL and if object key in the URL is "NameService". If URL is an rir type or if the object key value is something other than "NameService", this property is ignored.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select the default root context for the provider URL type and the type of name server being accessed. The following table shows what root context is returned for a given provider URL type and server type. Server types of "other" include WebSphere 3.5.x servers and non-WebSphere servers.

Note: If the provider URL is a corbaloc or corbaname URL, the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property applies only if the URL is an iiop type URL and its object key is "NameService". Otherwise the property is ignored.

Name Server Type Provider URL Type Initial Context
WebShere 5.0+ corbaloc:iiop:, corbaname:iiop:, iiop: Specified server's server root
WebSphere 4.0 corbaloc:iiop:, corbaname:iiop:, iiop: Specified server's legacy domain root
Other corbaloc:iiop:, corbaname:iiop:, iiop: Specified server's default initial context
WebShere 5.0+ No provider URL. Bootstrap server's server root
WebSphere 4.0 No provider URL Bootstrap server's legacy domain root
Other No provider URL Bootstrap server's defaut initial context
WebShere 5.0+ corbaloc:rir:, corbaname:rir: * Bootstrap server's cell root
WebSphere 4.0 corbaloc:rir:, corbaname:rir: * Bootstrap server's host root
Other corbaloc:rir:, corbaname:rir: * Bootstrap server's defaut initial context

* Default initial contexts for rir type CORBA object URLs are shown, even though the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property is ignored for these types of URLs. These are also the default initial contexts for CORBA clients.

The value for this constant is "defaultroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the server root for the name server being accessed.

This root is the default initial context under certain conditions. For more details see NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT.

The value for this constant is "bootstrapserverroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_NODE
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the node root for the name server being accessed.

This root is the default initial context under certain conditions. For more details see NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT.

The value for this constant is "bootstrapnoderoot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_HOST
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the boostrap host root for the name server being accessed. This value is primarily for accessing the host root on a WebSphere 4.0 name server. When used with a WebSphere 5.0 server, this property value has the same behavior as NAME_SPACE_ROOT_BOOTSTRAP_NODE.

This root is the default initial context under certain conditions. For more details see NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT.

The value for this constant is "bootstraphostroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_CELL
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the cell root for the name server being accessed.

This root is the default initial context under certain conditions. For more details see NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT.

The value for this constant is "cellroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_CELL_PERSISTENT
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the cell persistent root for the name server being accessed.

The value for this constant is "cellpersistentroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_LEGACY
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the legacy domain root for the name server being accessed. This is the default initial context when accessing WebSphere 4.0 name servers. When accessing WebSphere 5.0 servers, the legacy domain root is the cell persistent root.

This root is the default initial context under certain conditions. For more details see NAME_SPACE_ROOT_DEFAULT.

The value for this constant is "legacydomainroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SPACE_ROOT_TREE_INFRASTRUCTURE
Constant for the NAME_SPACE_ROOT property value used to select as the initial context the root of the overall name tree for the name server being accessed. This value is intended for use by the WebSphere Naming Service itself and typically would not be used by users of WebSphere.

The value for this constant is "treeinfrastructureroot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_SERVER_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the server root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceServerRoot".


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_NODE_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the node root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceNodeRoot".


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_HOST_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the boostrap host root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceHostRoot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_CELL_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the cell root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceCellRoot".


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_CELL_PERSISTENT_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the cell persistent root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceCellPersistentRoot".


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_NAME_SERVICE
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the default CORBA initial context. This default is CORBA initial context is the cell root. Note that the default JNDI initial context is the server root.

The value for this constant is "NameService".


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_LEGACY_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the legacy root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceLegacyRoot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String CORBA_URL_KEY_TREE_ROOT
Constant for the object key in a corbaloc or corbaname URL to specify a context or object relative to the tree infrastructure root.

The value for this constant is "NameServiceTreeRoot".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String ORB_TO_USE_INSTANCE
Property used to pass an instance of an ORB object when creating an initial context.

Normally a WebSphere JNDI Context will use the ORB instance shared by all WebSphere code. This property may be used when creating an initial context using WebSphere's INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY if it is desired to have the WebSphere JNDI Context objects use the specified ORB instance instead. The object passed in must be an instance of org.omg.CORBA.ORB.

When this property is used it takes precedence over any setting of ORB_TO_USE_FACTORY.

The value for this constant is "org.omg.CORBA.ORB".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String ORB_TO_USE_FACTORY
Property used to pass a factory, when creating an initial context, that will be used for creating an instance of an ORB object.

Normally a WebSphere JNDI Context will use the ORB instance shared by all WebSphere code. This property may be used when creating an initial context using WebSphere's INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY if it is desired to have the WebSphere JNDI Context objects use a different ORB instance. This property identifies the name of a class that has a static method with the signature:

public static org.omg.CORBA.ORB getORB();

This method will be used to obtain an ORB instance. This property will be honored unless ORB_TO_USE_INSTANCE is set, it which case that property will take precedence.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT
Constant for the property name which is used to control connection to a cache when a new initial context is instantiated. The value of this property is used to turn JNDI caching on or off. If caching is turned on, the existing cache, if it exists, can be used as is or cleared.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_POPULATED
Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to enable JNDI caching such that an existing cache is used as is. Other initial context instances which do not use caching are not affected. WebSphere contexts returned from lookups on the new initial context also will use JNDI caching. This value is the default value.

The value for this constant is "populated".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_CLEARED
Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to enable JNDI caching such that an existing cache is cleared of its contents when the new initial context is instantiated. Other initial context instances may be sharing this same cache instance. Other initial context instances which do not use caching are not affected. WebSphere contexts returned from lookups on the new initial context also will use JNDI caching.

The value for this constant is "cleared".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_NONE
Constant for the JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT property value used to disable JNDI caching. Other initial context instances which use caching are not affected. WebSphere contexts returned from lookups on the new initial context also will not use JNDI caching.

The value for this constant is "none".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_DEFAULT
Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT. (For more information on default connection behavior, see the description of the property JNDI_CACHE_OBJECT_POPULATED.

The value for this constant is "populated".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_NAME
Constant for the property name which is used to select the JNDI cache to be used by a new initial context instance. If the named JNDI cache already exists, it is used, otherwise one is created. The association between cache and initial context does not affect any existing initial context instances. Websphere contexts returned from lookups on the new initial context inherit the cache association. A JNDI cache name can be any string. The value JNDI_CACHE_NAME_DEFAULT is reserved as the default, which causes the value of the javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL property to be used as the cache name.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_NAME_DEFAULT
Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_NAME. For more information, see the description for the constant, JNDI_CACHE_NAME.

The value for this constant is "providerURL".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE
Constant for the property name which is used to control the "time to live" for the contents of a JNDI cache as a whole. When the cache is accessed after that time is exceeded, the cache is cleared of its contents. The property is applied when a new initial context instance is created and affects the behavior of the cache associated with the initial context instance. If the cache already exists, its previous setting is replaced by either the new value as specified or by the default value if a value is not specified. A given cache uses the current "max cache life" setting for all initial contexts associated with it. The value is expressed in minutes as an integer in string form.

An individual cache entry's time to live can alse be affected by the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final int JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE_DEFAULT
Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE. This value indicates that the max cache life is indefinite. For more information on max cache life, see the description for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE.

The value for this constant is 0.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE
Constant for the property name which is used to control the "time to live" for individual JNDI cache entries. When a cache entry older than the specified time is accessed, it is refreshed. The property is applied when a new initial context instance is created and affects the behavior of the cache associated with the initial context instance. If the cache already exists, its previous setting is replaced by either the new value as specified or by the default value if a value is not specified. A given cache uses the current "max cache entry life" setting for all initial contexts associated with it. The value is expressed in minutes as an integer in string form.

A cache entry's time to live can alse be affected by the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_LIFE.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final int JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE_DEFAULT
Constant for the default value for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE. This value indicates that the time to live for inividual cache entries is indefinite. For more information on max cache life, see the description for the property JNDI_CACHE_MAX_ENTRY_LIFE.

The value for this constant is 0.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX
Constant for the property name passed when creating an initial context which is used to identify the syntax for parsing the string form of JNDI names. This property can have one of two possible values, NAME_SYNTAX_JNDI or NAME_SYNTAX_INS.

When using INS syntax, the string form of names are parsed according to the OMG CosNaming Interoperable Naming Specification, with the characters forward slash ("/"), backward slash ("\") and dot (".") each have special meaning. In JNDI syntax, only the forward slash ("/") and backward slash ("\") have special meaning.

The forward slash ("/") is used to separate components in a compound name, the dot (".") is used to separate "id" and "kind" fields of a CosNaming NameComponent, and a backward slash ("\") can be used to escape any of the special characters so that they are interpreted literally.

When a CosNaming name server is being used with JNDI syntax, a JNDI name component maps to the "id" field of a CosNaming NameComponent, and there is no way to have anything other than an empty "kind" field. When INS syntax is used, a JNDI name component can have zero or one unescaped dot (".") characters, and if one is present it is used to delimit the "id" and "kind" fields of the CosNaming NameComponent.

For a typical WebSphere application, JNDI syntax would normally be used. However, if your WebSphere application is interoperating with CORBA based applications, and those applications are using a CosNaming Name Server where both "id" and "kind" fields are utilized in names, INS syntax must be used to allow interoperability between the WebSphere and CORBA applications use of the name space.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX_JNDI
Constant for the NAME_SYNTAX property value used to parse names in "JNDI" name syntax. This is the default value.

For more information of name syntaxes, see the description for the property NAME_SYNTAX.

The value for this constant is "jndi".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAME_SYNTAX_INS
Constant for the NAME_SYNTAX property value used to parse names in INS name syntax.

For more information of name syntaxes, see the description for the property NAME_SYNTAX.

The value for this constant is "ins".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String GENERIC_URL_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY
Constant for the generic URL initial context factory in WebSphere.

WebSphere provides a framework which allows users to have their own singleton in process name space using a user defined URL scheme name. The name space is local to a process and is shared by all threads in the process.

To create an instance of an in process URL name space, use new InitialContext with the property "java.naming.factory.initial" set to the value of this constant and the properties GENERIC_URL_SCHEMEID and GENERIC_URL_PACKAGE must also be set. In order for this to work, provide a subclass of that follows the JNDI naming convention "". This subclass only needs to implement a no argument constructor which calls its parent constructor - super(schemeid).

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String GENERIC_URL_SCHEMEID
Constant for the property name which is used to specify the scheme ID to the generic URL initial context factory. If the subclass you defined was "", then the value for this property should be "myschemeid".

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String GENERIC_URL_PACKAGE
Constant for the property name which is used to specify the package name to the generic URL initial context factory. If the subclass you defined was "", then the value for this property should be "".

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String HOSTNAME_NORMALIZER
Constant for the property name which is used to specify the name of the java class to be used for hostname normalization processing.

The HostnameNormalizer interface defines methods for normalizing the hostname so that it is consistent in case and form. WebSphere provides a default implementation of this interface, but if you wish to supply your own, set this property to the name of your implementing class. It is recommended that you set this in a file which is in your classpath, for example

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACE
Constant for the property name which is used to turn LDAP protocol tracing on or off. If the value of the property is set to "true" then protocol tracing will be enabled. By default the output of the trace will go to System.out. Redirecting output to a file is controled by the LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACEFILE property value.

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACEFILE
Constant for the property name which is used to specify a filename to receive the output of LDAP protocol tracing. Protocol tracing can be enabled by the LDAP_PROTOCOL_TRACE property.

The value of this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION
Constant for the name space connection which is used to specify when the name space being connected. This property can have two possible values: NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_LAZY or NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_EAGER.

With a eager connection, the name space will be connected when the initial context is constructed

With a lazy connection, the name space won't be connected until an operation is performed on the context.

The value for this constant is "".

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_EAGER
Constant for the value of NAMESPACE_CONNECTION. Please look at NAMESPACE_CONNECTION for more information on how this value control when the name space is being connected.

The value for this constant is: eager.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_LAZY
Constant for the value of NAMESPACE_CONNECTION. Please look at NAMESPACE_CONNECTION for more information on how this value control when the name space is being connected.

The value for this constant is: lazy.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


protected PROPS()
This class contains only constants and does not need to be instantiated.