Class AnalysisLogger


public class AnalysisLogger
extends java.lang.Object

This is the entry into the logging facility. Any application needs to log data must create an instance of this class using the appropriate constructor. Since this class listens on the ServletContext events to determine when to log data to the persistent storage, to use it in an EJB, pass null for the ServletContext so that it doesn't listen for the ServletContext events. And in this case, the application is responsible for calling flush method at the appropriate interval. Method getLogSize may be used as a determination criteria.

There are 3 persistent storage implementations: Database, File, and HTTP. Use appropriate constructor to enable each one. The Database persistence is implemented by DatabaseLogger class. The application is responsible for setting up the database and the table as defined by the DatabaseLogger class. This class works with any database supports JDBC. The File persistence is implemented by FileLogger class. FileLogger is not clusterable; that is, it must be defined on all machines participating in a cluster. The HTTP persistence is implemented by HttpLogger class. It supports both HTTP and HTTPS transport. However, HTTPS is not recommended if the traffic volume is high.

Application may define custom-logger by implementing the interface Logger. To enable debug trace, set*=all=enabled.

 Sample usage for IBM DB2:

 DatabaseLogger dblogger = new DatabaseLogger(ds, "CURRENT TIMESTAMP",
                                              "WAS.ALS", "db2admin", "db2admin");
 AnalysisLogger logger = new AnalysisLogger(context, dblogger);
 logger.log(request, "sample=testing;");

See Also:
Logger, DatabaseLogger, FileLogger, HttpLogger

Field Summary
protected static myTracer
Constructor Summary
AnalysisLogger(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc, Logger l)
          Constructs an AnalysisLogger object with the default cache size of 50 entries.
AnalysisLogger(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc, Logger l, int maxBufferSize)
          Constructs an AnalysisLogger object.
Method Summary
static void debug(java.lang.Exception e)
 void flush()
          Flushes the data in the cache.
 java.lang.String getAppID()
          Returns the current application ID.
 boolean getAutoSession()
          Returns the auto-create session flag.
 boolean getCookieLogging()
          Returns the COOKIE logging flag.
 boolean getHttpLogging()
          Returns the HTTP logging flag.
 Logger getLogger()
          Returns the current Logger object.
 int getLogSize()
          Returns the number of log entries currently in the buffer awaiting to be written to the permanent storage.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Returns the logging enabled flag.
 void log(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr, java.lang.String data)
          Logs the specified data.
 void log(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Logs the specified data.
 void setAppID(java.lang.String appID)
          Sets the application ID.
 void setAutoSession(boolean value)
          Sets the auto-create session flag to value.
 void setCookieLogging(boolean value)
          Sets the COOKIE logging flag to value.
 void setEnabled(boolean value)
          Sets the logging enabled flag to value.
 void setHttpLogging(boolean value)
          Sets the HTTP logging flag to value.
 void terminate()
          Stops logging and releases all associated resources.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static myTracer
Constructor Detail


public AnalysisLogger(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                      Logger l)
Constructs an AnalysisLogger object with the default cache size of 50 entries.
sc - a ServletContext of the webapp requesting the logging. If this param is null, flusing the cache is done as part of log() invocation. This behavior is necessary for EJB logging.
l - a Logger responsible for writing data to persistent storage
See Also:


public AnalysisLogger(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                      Logger l,
                      int maxBufferSize)
Constructs an AnalysisLogger object.
sc - a ServletContext of the webapp requesting the logging. If this param is null, flusing the cache is done as part of log() invocation. This behavior is necessary for EJB logging.
l - a Logger responsible for writing data to persistent storage
maxBufferSize - a maximum number of entries cached in the buffer before calling flush()
See Also:
Method Detail


public void log(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr,
                java.lang.String data)
         throws java.lang.Exception
Logs the specified data. The data is kept in the buffer and written to permanent storage based on 2 factors--the number of the distinct entries in the buffer reaches maxBufferSize specified in the constructor, or the time elapse since last flush has been longer than a minute. The format of the data is key=value;. Note that the semicolon is appended to the value automatically.
hsr - - the HttpServletRequest of the request. If this param is null, a unique sequence number is generated for the REQID, and the session ID is zero
data - - a well-formated and semicolon-terminated string
java.lang.Exception - - thrown when unable to write data


public void log(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr,
                java.lang.String key,
                java.lang.String value)
         throws java.lang.Exception
Logs the specified data. The data is kept in the buffer and written to permanent storage based on 2 factors--the number of the distinct entries in the buffer reaches maxBufferSize specified in the constructor, or the time elapse since last flush has been longer than a minute. The format of the data is key=value;. Note that the semicolon is appended to the value automatically.
hsr - - the HttpServletRequest of the request. If this param is null, a unique sequence number is generated for the REQID, and the session ID is zero
key - - the key of the data
value - - the value of the data
java.lang.Exception - - thrown when unable to write data


public void flush()
           throws java.lang.Exception
Flushes the data in the cache. Webapp doesn't have to call this method since the cache is flushed automatically based on the time elapse since last log and the size of the data in the cache during processing of ApplicationListener and ServletInvocationListener event. In the case of no valid ServletContext object (non-webapp), the application might wish to invoke this method directly to store the content of the cache.
java.lang.Exception - - thrown when unable to write data
See Also:


public void setEnabled(boolean value)
Sets the logging enabled flag to value. This is a convenient way for the application to turn logging on or off. The default value is true.
value - - value to set enable flag to


public boolean isEnabled()
Returns the logging enabled flag. This is a convenient way for the application to check for logging status.


public void setHttpLogging(boolean value)
Sets the HTTP logging flag to value. Application should turn off HTTP logging if it is not needed. If this flag is off, the HttpData field that is logged will be null. The default value is true.
value - - value to set HTTP logging flag to


public boolean getHttpLogging()
Returns the HTTP logging flag.


public void setCookieLogging(boolean value)
Sets the COOKIE logging flag to value. Application should turn off COOKIE logging if it is not needed. If this flag is false, the COOKIE field that is logged will be null. The default value is true.
value - - value to set COOKIE logging flag to


public boolean getCookieLogging()
Returns the COOKIE logging flag.


public void setAutoSession(boolean value)
Sets the auto-create session flag to value. If this flag is true and if the session object doesn't exist for a request, a session object will be automatically created before processing logging for that request. The default value is true.

If the application doesn't track session and auto-create is true, the log method should be called at least once before any output is written to the response object

value - - value to set auto-create session flag to


public boolean getAutoSession()
Returns the auto-create session flag.


public Logger getLogger()
Returns the current Logger object.


public void setAppID(java.lang.String appID)
Sets the application ID. The application ID is logged with the record.
appID - - a String representing the application ID, limited to 128 characters


public java.lang.String getAppID()
Returns the current application ID.


public int getLogSize()
Returns the number of log entries currently in the buffer awaiting to be written to the permanent storage. This value may be used as a criteria to call flush() method.


public void terminate()
Stops logging and releases all associated resources. None webapp should call this method prior to terminating.


public static void debug(java.lang.Exception e)