Interface RASIEvent

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public interface RASIEvent

RASIEvent defines the methods that must be implemented to contain RAS message or trace data. Within the RAS Toolkit, RASIEvent is implemented by the RASEvent class.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an attribute that is saved as part of a RAS event.
 java.lang.String[] getParameters()
          Gets the text parameters: Strings to be displayed with the message text.
 java.util.Hashtable getSupportedTypes()
          Gets the complete set of event types supported by this class.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Gets the event text.
 long getTimeStamp()
          Gets the time at which this event was created.
 long getType()
          Gets the type of event: "informational message," for example.
 boolean isMessageEvent()
          Determines if this object is a message event or a trace event.
 long maskLongValue(java.lang.String types)
          Converts a String representation of a message or trace mask to its long equivalent.
 java.lang.String maskToString(long types)
          Converts a long containing the logical OR of one or more event types to its String equivalent.
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object attrib)
          Sets an attribute, saving it as part of a RAS event.
 void setMessageEvent(boolean flag)
          Sets a flag that that indicates whether this object is classified as a message event or a trace event.
 void setParameters(java.lang.String[] parms)
          Gets the text parameters: Strings to be displayed with the message text.
 void setText(java.lang.String text)
          Sets the event text.
 void setTimeStamp(long timeStamp)
          Sets the time at which this event was created.
 void setType(long type)
          Sets the type of event: "informational message," for example.

Method Detail


public long getTimeStamp()
Gets the time at which this event was created.
timeStamp - The event time stamp, as generated by System.currentTimeMillis.


public void setTimeStamp(long timeStamp)
Sets the time at which this event was created. This value is expected to be of the format returned by System.currentTimeMillis.
timeStamp - The event time stamp.


public long getType()
Gets the type of event: "informational message," for example. Specific types are defined by the classes which extend RASEvent.
The event type.


public void setType(long type)
Sets the type of event: "informational message," for example. Specific types are defined by the classes which extend RASEvent.
type - The event type.


public java.lang.String getText()
Gets the event text.
The event text.


public void setText(java.lang.String text)
Sets the event text.
text - The event text.


public java.lang.String[] getParameters()
Gets the text parameters: Strings to be displayed with the message text.
The text parameters.


public void setParameters(java.lang.String[] parms)
Gets the text parameters: Strings to be displayed with the message text.
parms - The text parameters.


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Gets an attribute that is saved as part of a RAS event.
name - The name of the attribute.
The attribute associated with the name or null if the named attribute was not found.


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object attrib)
Sets an attribute, saving it as part of a RAS event. If the name or the attribute are null, nothing is saved.
name - The name of the attribute.
attrib - The attribute associated with the name.


public void setMessageEvent(boolean flag)
Sets a flag that that indicates whether this object is classified as a message event or a trace event.
flag - true if this object is a message event and false if it is a trace event.


public boolean isMessageEvent()
Determines if this object is a message event or a trace event.
true if this object is a message event and false if it is a trace event.


public java.util.Hashtable getSupportedTypes()
Gets the complete set of event types supported by this class.

This method can be used by a graphical log manager to display the set of types and allow a user to select those to be monitored. Every extending class should override this method to add the types it supports to the Hashtable returned by its parent.

A Hashtable containing the values of all of the event types. The names of the types are used as keys and are returned in the current locale. The type values, normally kept as ints, are returned as Integers because of the Hashtable requirement that all elements be Objects.


public long maskLongValue(java.lang.String types)
Converts a String representation of a message or trace mask to its long equivalent. The string must have the following format:
 String types = "TYPE_INFO TYPE_WARN";
Unknown values in the String are ignored.
types - The blank-delimited String to be converted.
The long equivalent of the String, formed by the logical OR of each element in the String.


public java.lang.String maskToString(long types)
Converts a long containing the logical OR of one or more event types to its String equivalent. The string will have the following format:
 String types = "TYPE_INFO TYPE_WARN";
Every extending class should override this method to add the types it supports to the value returned by its parent.

Unknown values in the long are ignored.

types - The message or trace mask.
The String equivalent of the mask.