
Migration consists of stages that include scoping, skills migration, code migration, and runtime migration. Refer to these articles for reference on these stages and other general information on the migration process:

Note: These articles are not iSeries specific and may contain information not pertinent to iSeries.

WebSphere Application Server migration leverages the existing environment and applications and changes them to be compatible with the Version 5 environment. Existing application components and configuration settings are applied to the Version 5 environment during the migration process.

Migration involves modifying your applications so that they run in Version 5 and then migrating those applications and your environment to Version 5. The latter step can be performed by using the migration tools shipped with the product.

Migrate from Version 3.5.x to Version 5 involves migrating to the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.3 specification. Version 3.5.x applications are not J2EE compliant; hence, this process involves modifying the application.

Migrate from Version 4.x to Version 5 involves minimal change because both releases implement the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specification. Version 4 implements J2EE 1.2, while version 5 implements J2EE 1.3. Most Version 4.x applications run without change in Version 5.

Migrate from Version 5 Express to Version 5 (Base) or Network Deployment involves minimal changes because both releases implement a common set of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specification.

Migration Tools

Product migration functions are provided by the the WebSphere Application Server migration tools. These tools perform migration from Version 3.5.x, 4.x and 5.0.x Express to Version 5 (Base) and Network Deployment. Migration configuration mapping describes how objects and attributes are mapped to the Version 5 environment by the migration tools. The migration tools are comprised of the following commands:

The following tools are also available to assist you in migrating your applications: