Delete the licensed program
To uninstall WAS Network Deployment, you can remove either the entire WebSphere Application Server product or just the Network Deployment option. If you installed the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS product as part of the WAS Network Deployment installation, then uninstall this product if you uninstall Network Deployment (unless you have also installed WAS and are only uninstalling Network Deployment). For more information, see Deleting the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS licensed program.
To remove the entire WAS product, perform these steps from an OS/400 command line on the iSeries server on which the product is installed:
Note: If you have installed both WAS V5.0 and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V5.0, this process removes both products.
Ensure that your user profile is user type (user class) *SECOFR and has a value of *USRCLS for special authority.
Stop the WAS environment. For more information, see the Shut down the WAS environment topic in Administration.
To delete both the WAS product and the Network Deployment product:
DLTLICPGM LICPGM(5733WS5)The QEJBAS5 library and the /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5 directory structure are removed from the system when when all options of the product are removed from the system, including *BASE.
- To remove just the WAS Network Deployment product when you also have WAS installed, type this command on an OS/400 command line:
Deleting the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS licensed program
The WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS product shipped with Network Deployment has a restricted license; this product can only be used with Network Deployment or if you have installed the product when installing WAS. If you completely uninstall the WAS product, uninstall the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS product. If you have purchased a full license for this product, it does not have to be uninstalled.
To uninstall the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS product, type this command on an OS/400 command line after you have uninstalled WAS: