Stop the WebSphere Application Server environment


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This topic describes how to shutdown the WebSphere Application Server subsystem in order to completely shutdown the WebSphere Application Server environment. For information on stopping individual servers, nodes and deployment managers, see Start and stop WebSphere Application Server. In all cases, it is important to end the job gracefully so that the job can finish any tasks that are currently in progress, clean up any open connections, and end multiple threads in an appropriate order.

You can stop (end) the WebSphere Application Server environment by invoking the End Subsystem (ENDSBS) command specifying the QEJBAS5 subsystem:


You can stop (end) the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment by invoking the End Subsystem (ENDSBS) command specifying the QEJBASND5 subsystem:


The ENDSBS command ends all jobs running in the subsystem. Additionally, if you are using the embedded JMS service, any WebSphere MQ jobs that were started in the QMQM subsystem on your behalf are ended.

OS/400 releases V5R1 and higher support a call to the job termination signal handler for a job (if one is enabled) when you run the ENDJOB OPTION(*IMMED) command. If use the ENDSBS OPTION(*IMMED) command, it is recommended that you enable this support and set the amount of time available for handling the job termination signal to an appropriate value. To set the value, create a data area that specifies the number of seconds for the handler to wait. It is recommended that you set this value to 600 seconds initially if you use the *IMMED option to end the QEJBAS5 subsystem or QEJBASND5 subsystem.


You only need to issue this command once per iSeries system. The following message is displayed to notify you how long the shutdown is taking:

The WebSphere application server will attempt to issue message EJB0107 when the job 
that the application server is running in is about to end.  If the job is ended due to 
a SIGTERM signal (the signal is issued when commands such as ENDJOB, ENDSBS, etc are issued 
that result in the job being ended), the message will contain the number of seconds that 
it took to gracefully end the application server.  However, if the application server did 
not have enough time to end the application server gracefully, no message will be issued.  
If no message is found in the job log, it is a good indication that you need to  increase 
the amount of time specified in the ENDJOBLMT data area.

If the WebSphere Application Server jobs do not end in the amount of time set for the QENDJOBLMT, use the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command to change the value:


The maximum value allowed is 3600. The minimum value allowed is 30.