Install PTFs

Fixes for the WAS product are shipped as group PTFs for iSeries. The latest WAS group PTF must be loaded and applied prior to starting WAS for the first time. This group PTF includes the latest WAS PTFs that bring the product up to the latest WAS for iSeries level, as well as, the latest IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Developer Kit for Java, and IBM HTTP Server group PTFs. This group PTF also contains miscellaneous PTFs for IBM Developer Kit for Java, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries, WebSphere MQ, the WebSphere MQ classes for Java and JMS, and IBM HTTP Server that are not included in other group PTFs or cumulative PTF packages but must be installed.

See the PTFs page on the WAS Web site to determine which group PTF order and install for your WAS edition and for your OS/400 release level.

If you downloaded PTFs from IBM and burned them on to CD-ROM, you might need to install fixes from an image catalog. If you are unable to get your iSeries box to read the CD-ROMs, you might have to order PTF media from IBM.

All product prerequisites must be installed before you install the group PTF package, or WAS may fail when it is started. For example, the Java PTFs contained in the package will not be installed if IBM Developer Kit for Java 1.3 (5722-JV1, Option 5) is not installed on the server.

These instructions describe how to install the WAS for iSeries group PTF:

Note: These instructions assume that you are ready to load and apply all PTFs included in the group PTF. Because some of these PTFs may require a restart of your iSeries server, the instructions include steps for placing the server in a restricted state and doing the IPL of the server. If it is not convenient to restart your server, you can simply load and apply the PTFs specifying that the PTFs requiring an IPL be applied at the next normal IPL of the server. However, not attempt to start or use the WAS environment until all of the PTFs have been successfully loaded and applied.

  1. Verify that all of the prerequisite software is installed.

  2. Place the WebSphere for iSeries group PTF CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your iSeries server.

  3. Sign on to your server. Your user profile should be user type (user class) *SECOFR and have a value of *USRCLS for special authority.

  4. Enter this command to bring your system into a restricted state:


  5. To verify WebSphere SBS subsystem is not longer active run:
  6. Enter this command from an OS/400 command line when the system is in a restricted state:

    GO PTF
  7. Select option 8 (Install program temporary fix package) from the menu.

  8. Specify these parameter values and press Enter:

    1. Device: (Specify the device name of your CD-ROM drive, for example, OPT01.)

    2. Automatic IPL: Y

    3. PTF type: 1 (All PTFs)

      Note: If it is not convenient to restart your server, specify No for Automatic IPL.

         Install Options for Program Temporary Fixes
                                                    System: your.server
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Device . . . . . . . . . . . . .      OPT01   Name, *SERVICE
    Automatic IPL . . . . . . . . . .     Y       Y=Yes
    Restart type . . . . . . . . . .      *SYS    *SYS, *FULL
    PTF type . . . . . . . . . . . .      1        1=All PTFs
                                                  2=HIPER PTFs and HIPER
                                                      LIC fixes only
                                                  3=HIPER LIC fixes only
                                                  4=Refreshed Licensed Internal Code
    Other options . . . . . . . . . .     N       Y=Yes
    F3=Exit    F12=Cancel

    If you get the message....

    Waiting for reply to message on message queue QSYSOPR

    To view the message, press the SysReq key. Then, select Option 6 to display system operator messages. Respond by typing G to the inquiry message to have OS/400 continue with the upgrade or C to cancel it.

    After all of the PTFs have been installed, your iSeries server restarts.

  9. After you have installed the group PTF, see the product release notes for information about the release, including a description of known problems and workarounds. The release notes are available on the WAS documentation page ( Link outside Information Center.

Continue Next: Install workstation tools