Configure the Web server machine for remote HTTP
This task requires you to create a plugin-cfg.xml file that tells the WebSphere Application Server Web server plugin on the Web server machine how to locate the remote application server to which it should forward HTTP requests. For an example of the plugin-cfg.xml file, see Sample plugin-cfg.xml file.
Configure the WebSphere Application Server plugin on the HTTP server machine.
If your Web server machine is an iSeries system, use the default remote HTTP server instance or create a new remote HTTP server instance.
- The default instance is named remote, and it is located in the /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/remote directory.
- To configure a remote instance of WebSphere, run the crtreminst script.
After you create a remote HTTP server instance, update the Web server configuration. For information on how to update the Web server configuration, see Administer HTTP server instances.
If your Web server machine is a Windows(R) NT 32-bit system, the Web server plugin is automatically configured when the plugin is installed. For other application server machines, follow appropriate WebSphere Application Server and HTTP server documentation for how to configure the Web server plugin.
Use the GenPluginCfg script to regenerate the plugin configuration for your application server instance.