Administrative tools

This section covers tools and tasks associated with administering the WebSphere Application Server environment. For more information about the administrative environment, see Overview of WebSphere Application Server architecture.

See the following topics for information about the WebSphere Application Server administrative tools:

The administrative console
This topic describes how to use the WebSphere administrative console, the graphical interface to the WebSphere administrative environment.

The wsadmin administrative tool
This topic describes how to use wsadmin, the command line administrative client provided with WebSphere Application Server. The wsadmin tool allows you to perform administrative functions from the Qshell command line, interactively or by providing scripts as input.

Qshell scripts
WebSphere Application Server includes several administrative Qshell scripts and commands. This topic provides a description of each script and how to use it.

The ws_ant script
This topic describes how to use ws_ant, an ANT-based tool that you can use to perform some administrative tasks.

Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Java Management Extensions are a set of Java administrative APIs that you can use to customize WebSphere Application Server administration. This describes how to use JMX.