Regenerate the plugin configuration for an unfederated node



When changes are made to the WebSphere configuration, the Web server plugin configuration file may need to be regenerated to ensure that the correct set of requests are forwarded to the WAS runtime. Use either of these methods to regenerate the plugin configuration:

The plugin-cfg.xml file contains several optional elements and attributes (customizations) that are not generated via the GenPluginCfg script or the administrative console. To make such changes, you can manually edit the plugin-cfg.xml file.


Use the administrative console to regenerate the plugin configuration

To regenerate the plugin configuration file via the administrative console...

  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. Expand...

    Environment | Update Web Server Plugin | OK

  3. The plugin file named plugin-cfg.xml is regenerated at this location:


    where instance is the name of the base WebSphere instance.


Use the GenPluginCfg script to regenerate the plugin configuration

To regenerate the plugin configuration file via the GenPluginCfg script...

  1. From the OS/400 command line, run the Start Qshell (STRQSH) command.

  2. Use the cd command to change to the bin directory for the WAS product:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin

  3. At the Qshell prompt, run the GenPluginCfg script. To view the various customizations available for this script, issue:

    GenPluginCfg -help

  4. The plugin file named plugin-cfg.xml by default, is regenerated in this location:
