Scenario (Typical): Local debug development environment for WebSphere Portal V5.0 on Windows

This scenario sets up the "WebSphere Portal V5.0 Test Environment" configuration. WebSphere Studio V5.1.2, WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2, Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3, and WebSphere Portal V5.0.2.1 for portlet development will be installed on a single machine. WebSphere Portal will be installed as part of Portal Toolkit.

WebSphere Studio V5.1.2 is as follows:

  1. Creating the WebSphere Studio V5.1.2 Installation image
  2. Installing WebSphere Studio
  3. Creating the Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3 Installable image
  4. Preparing the required products and fixes
  5. Installing Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3 and WebSphere Portal V5.0
  6. Verifying the installation

Creating the WebSphere Studio V5.1.2 Installation image

If you have the WebSphere Studio V5.1.2 CD or the network installation image, you can skip this step.
The following step is only for WSSD V5.1.2. For WSED V5.1.2 and WSAD IE V5.1.1 users, please refer to their installation guides.


To download and create the installation image:

  1. Download the following 3 parts at a minimum. The rest are optional.
  2. Launch the wsextract.exe file that is located in this temporary directory. This starts the wizard that creates the installation image.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard to specify where you want to create the image.
  4. Select the following 2 features at a minimum.
  5. After the image is created, deselect Start the installation wizard now before you click Finish.

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Installing WebSphere Studio

Install either of the following:

If Portal Toolkit or WebSphere Portal has been already installed on the system, you will have to plan and decide which course of action suits your requirements best. Refer to Migrating Portal Toolkit and portlet projects for instructions.

Installation steps

  1. Run launchpad.exe of WebSphere Studio
  2. Click "Install IBM WebSphere Studio".
  3. Change the default Directory Name. Please note the following: Specify the directory to install WSSD
  4. Ensure the required features are checked.
  5. You do not have to select the WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2 checkbox for the WebSphere Portal V5.0 Test Environment.
    Select the features for WSSD
  6. Verify that the installation was completed successfully by starting the application.
    1. Select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere Studio > Site Developer 5.1.2, Enterprise Developer 5.1.2 or Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1 to start the application.
    2. Change the default workspace directory name to a shorter one (one with a short path length such as c:\wssdwork).

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Creating the Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3 Installable image


To create the installable image:

  1. Download Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3: ptk5023Win.exe and RequiredWin.bin from the Portal Toolkit web site.
  2. Launch the ptk5023Win.exe file. This starts the wizard that creates the installation image.
  3. Specify where you want to create the image.
    Important: Do not use special characters.
  4. Leave the Core installation files feature checkbox selected.
  5. After the image is created, click Finish.

You will find the PortalToolkit5023\WTE_setup directory under the directory that you have created this installable image. You will use this directory to prepare the required files in the following instructions.

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Preparing the required products and fixes


In this step, you will prepare the following files:

Required products and fixes Target directory
WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2 ptkimg\WTE_setup\was_image
WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2 Cumulative Fix 3 ptkimg\WTE_setup\was502_cf3
WebSphere Application Server Fixes ptkimg\WTE_setup\was5023_fixes
WebSphere Portal V5.0 CD #2 ptkimg\WTE_setup\wps
WebSphere Portal 5.0 Fix Pack 2 ptkimg\WTE_setup\wp_ptf_502
WebSphere Portal 5.0.2 Cumulative Fix 1
WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms Update Installer
1.3.1 Java SDK, Java Tech Edition for WebSphere Application Server V5 ptkimg\WTE_setup\j9_fix

where ptkimg is the PortalToolkit5023 directory that you have created the installable image of Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3.

To prepare these files, carry out the following.

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Installing Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3 and WebSphere Portal V5.0


Carry out the following steps:

  1. Make sure that WebSphere Studio is not running.
  2. Stop the HTTP server if it has been started.
  3. Run the installation program by launching ptkimg\PortalToolkit5023\setup.exe, where ptkimg is the directory that you have created the installation image.
  4. Click Next on the welcome panel, read and accept the license agreement, and click Next.
  5. Select the WebSphere Portal V5.0 for Test Environment and click Next.
    Select the "WebSphere Portal V5.0 for Test Environment" component
  6. Make sure the install location displayed is the installation directory of WebSphere Studio.
  7. Click Next. Portal Toolkit will be installed.
  8. Click Next. WebSphere Portal V5.0 for Test Environment will be installed.
  9. When the installation is completed, click Finish.
  10. Launch WebSphere Studio.
    1. Select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere Studio > Site Developer 5.1.2, Enterprise Developer 5.1.2 or Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1 to start the application.
    2. Change the default workspace directory name to a shorter one (one with a short path length such as c:\wssdwork).
  11. You will see the Configuration Changes panel.
    Select the pending configuration change
  12. Select the pending configuration change that is displayed.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. When the update is completed, you will be prompted to restart the workbench. Click Yes to restart.
  15. Portal Toolkit installation is completed.

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Verifying the installation

The installation is completed. To verify the local debug configuration, carry out the following steps:

  1. Launch WebSphere Studio.
    1. Select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere Studio > Site Developer 5.1.2, Enterprise Developer 5.1.2 or Application Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1 to start the application.
    2. Change the default workspace directory name to a shorter one (one with a short path length such as c:\wssdwork).
  2. From the menu, select File > New > Other > Server > Server and Server Configuration. A wizard will start.
    1. Enter the server name.
    2. In the Server type, expand WebSphere Portal version 5.0.
    3. Select Test Environment and click Finish.
  3. In the Servers view, right-click on the server and select Start.
  4. Verify that the server starts successfully. In the Servers view, its status should be "Started".

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