Installing DB2

Refer to Supported databases for software product levels that are needed for WebSphere Portal Test Environment. This section explains how to install DB2 for use with WebSphere Portal Test Environment.

Note the following information:

  1. Before installing DB2, log in with a user ID that has administrative authority.
    Windows only: This user should have the following specifications:

    To access the interface for editing user rights, do the following steps:

    Click Start then click Programs then click Administrative Tools then click Local Security Policy. Next, click Local Policies then click User Rights Assignment to edit user rights.

    Linux only: The system user ID and password must match the database user ID and password for the WebSphere Portal databases. If you do not use the default DB2 database user ID, or if access a remote database, create the system user ID before installing DB2. To set up the environment for the database access, the initialization script for this user (for example, user-home/.profile) must contain a call to the db2profile script in the db-home/sqllib directory. After you create the system user ID and password for the DB2 instance, add the user ID to the DB2 administration group (such as db2adm) for that system.

  2. To install DB2, follow the instructions that are provided with the DB2 documentation to install DB2 and the required fix pack.

Note: Because WebSphere Portal does not use the OLAP Starter Kit, you do not need to install the OLAP Starter Kit. If you have an existing DB2 installation with the OLAP Starter Kit, it will not affect the WebSphere Portal installation or operation.

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