Replacing Licensed Internal Code and i5/OS of the same version and release
Use this procedure to install a new modification of Licensed Internal Code and a more recent update of the i5/OS® operating system to support new hardware.
This is not a backup and recovery procedure. If you have ordered feature code 2693, follow these tasks to replace the Licensed Internal Code and the operating system.
- Checklist: i5/OS software replacement
Use this checklist to complete all the tasks for a software replacement of the same i5/OS release.
- Obtaining a record of PTFs applied
Obtain a record of the PTFs applied to your system for comparison later to ensure that any corrective fixes you have applied are still present after performing the i5/OS upgrade procedures.
- Permanently applying PTFs for a replacement of the same release
Permanently apply Licensed Internal Code and i5/OS operating system PTFs by using the following commands as recommended before all installations (the delay option is chosen so you can schedule the IPL).
- Determining storage space required for a replacement of the same release
Before you schedule a time to install this release, determine the available storage space and the storage space that is required.
- Replacing software of the same release using manual installation
Use the manual installation method to upgrade or replace your software of the same i5/OS release.
- Installing PTFs for the Licensed Internal Code and the operating system
Install PTFs (cumulative, HIPER, group, or individual PTFs) only for the Licensed Internal Code and the i5/OS operating system.
- Checklist: Completing the replacement of the same i5/OS release
Use this checklist to complete any of the V5R4-to-V5R4 IBM® i5/OS replacement processes.
Parent topic:
Installing, upgrading, or deleting i5/OS and related software