Working with hardware resources (WRKHDWRSC)


To display information about OptiConnect adapters, use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command. The adapters shown on the display represent systems that are linked to this system through the shared bus or HSL environment. An adapter that is associated with this system is not shown.

To display OptiConnect adapters, enter WRKHDWRSC TYPE(*CSA). This displays a resource for each remote system that had, at some point, an operational connection to the system on which you are entering the command.

Communication between two systems uses a pair of adapters: a source adapter and a target adapter. The source adapter is the adapter to which a system is connected with optical cables. The target adapters are any remaining adapters on the shared bus that are connected to other systems. The WRKHDWRSC command does not display the source adapters to which you are optically connected. It displays the target adapters for other system adapters on the shared bus. These, in turn, represent systems to which you can communicate.

Virtual OptiConnect adapters might also be shown on the Work with Coupled Resources display. They have an adapter type of 268B and a text description of Virtual Bus Adapter. HSL adapters have an adapter type of 268A and a text description of Nonhost Bus.

Some resources might have status Not detected because of a change in your configuration or because a remote system was not turned on when the OptiConnect system was started. If a remote system was not turned on when the OptiConnect system was started, turn on the remote system. The resource should become operational as soon as the initial program load (IPL) on that system is completed. The connection is still displayed even though the subsystem on the remote system is not operational.

To display resource details, such as physical locations and logical addresses, you can select option 7 (Display resource detail). Fields are blank for cards that physically reside in a bus on another system. Serial numbers are shown as zeros for these cards.


Parent topic:

Getting information about OptiConnect activity

Related concepts
Re-establishing system connections when OptiConnect is installed