Re-establishing system connections when OptiConnect is installed
You must always use the Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command to turn off a system that is connected with OptiConnect.
If you do not use the PWRDWNSYS command, you might experience difficulties with system-to-system connections.
Certain conditions can cause system-to-system connections to be inoperative. Performing an initial program load (IPL) on one of the systems is the only way to reestablish these connections.
You can avoid these conditions by using the PWRDWNSYS command. However, some conditions, such as abnormal operations or loss of power on one system in the OptiConnect network, might make it necessary to perform an IPL. Here is a list of additional examples:
- Emergency power off (EPO)
- Utility or uninterruptible power supply failure
- Hardware failures
- Interrupted IPLs or failure of an IPL
If you suspect one of these conditions has occurred, use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command to check the status of the bus expansion adapter. Report hardware failures to your IBM® service representative.
Problems can occur if the odd bus on the optical link card was connected to a nonOptiConnect expansion unit.
Parent topic:
TroubleshootingRelated concepts
Working with hardware resources (WRKHDWRSC) SPD OptiConnect