OptiConnect components

OptiConnect has several basic required components. These components must not be deleted for any reason.


The QSOC library holds all the objects that are used by OptiConnect:

  • Programs
  • Files
  • Classes
  • Commands
  • Data areas
  • Panel groups
  • Subsystem descriptions
  • Product loads
  • Job queues
  • Job descriptions


The OptiConnect connection manager job and agent jobs run in the QSOC subsystem unless a mode table has been configured to run under a different subsystem.


OptiConnect has two kinds of jobs: the OptiConnect connection manager job (SOCMGR) and the agent jobs (SOCAnnnnnn). The SOCMGR job manages OptiConnect resources. There is one SOCMGR job per system. The SOCAnnnnnn agent jobs interface with the database on behalf of the application system. Each of the agent jobs is a data access job that works to get data to and from the remote system.

Job descriptions

There are three job descriptions for OptiConnect: QYYCMGR, QYYCDTSU, and QYYCSRA. QYYCMGR is the job description for the SOCMGR job. QYYCDTSU is the job description for all SOCAnnnnnn jobs. QYYCSRA is the job description for the ObjectConnect save and restore agent jobs. These job descriptions are included as part of OptiConnect.

Job queue

The QSOC job queue is used to submit OptiConnect jobs to the QSOC subsystem.

Autostart job

The SOCMGR job is automatically started when the QSOC subsystem is started.

User profile

The OptiConnect connection manager job runs under the QSOC user profile. The OptiConnect agent jobs run under the QUSER user profile, which can be changed through the QYYCDTSU job description. The authority and library list of the agent jobs can also be changed through the QYYCDTSU job description.

Routing entries

The routing entries used in starting subsystem jobs have compare values of QYYCDTSU, QYYCMGR, QYYCSRA, and QZDMAGNT. The compare value is matched against the routing data field in the job description that is placed in the job queue for this subsystem. When the job is pulled off the job queue, the routing data is compared to all of the routing entries in the subsystem. When a match is found, the program that is listed for the routing entry is run. The program is run by using the class that is specified for that job.


These are OptiConnect commands:

  • Work with OptiConnect Activity (WRKOPCACT): This command displays information about the number of transactions and number of bytes that are read and written for both application and database systems. It also provides information about the status of system connections.
  • Display OptiConnect Link Status (DSPOPCLNK): This command shows pertinent link information about multiple systems that are connected through the fiber-optic bus or HSL.
  • Verify OptiConnect Connection (VFYOPCCNN): This command runs the OptiConnect installation verification process.