Working with iSeries Navigator lists on the Web


While you can work with the same function on the Web as you can on the installed client, the interface used to work with iSeries™ Navigator tasks on the Web is different than the interface you are familiar with on the installed client.

The following information describes how to take action on an iSeries Navigator task or function from a Web browser, and also provides tips for how to change the way iSeries Navigator items are displayed in the online list view.

It is important to logout after you are finished using iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web. When you logout, the system has a chance to close connections and free resources, which will make more memory available to other applications.


Performing actions on an iSeries Navigator list

Take action on:

The entire list

Actions that apply to the entire iSeries Navigator list, such as Include and Columns, can be found in the Select Action menu at the top of the list. Select the action and click Go to perform the action. No selection of items in the list is needed prior to performing these types of actions.

A single item

To perform an action on a single item in the list, click the menu icon that is located next to the item name. This will display a context menu, where you can select the desired action.

Multiple items

To perform an action on multiple items in the list, select the items by clicking in the selection box to the left of the item names. The items you want to work with are now highlighted. To perform the action, do one of the following:

  1. Select the desired action from the Select Action field at the top of the list. Select the action you want to perform and click Go.

  2. Alternatively, click the menu icon that is located next to the item name of one of the selected items. This will display a context menu, where you can select the desired action

Every item in the list

To perform an action on every item in the list, click the Select All icon at the top of the list, then click the menu icon that is located next to one of the item names. This will display a context menu, where you can select the desired action


Table functions available on the Web


The web table also supports a "Find" function, but it is far more powerful than the Find supported within the iSeries Navigator client. On the web, you can:

  • Specify four different conditions: Contains, Starts with, Ends with, Exact match

  • Limit the search to a specific column, or search across all columns

  • Search up or down in the list

  • Specify whether to "Match case" or not

  • Specify to display the Find toolbar or to hide the Find toolbar


List filtering is provided for all iSeries Navigator lists on the web, regardless of whether the component that provides the list supports an "Include" function. It should be noted that, unlike the Include function, list filtering built into the web table is not persistent: filter settings will not be remembered for subsequent uses of the list. This powerful filtering function:

  • Supports filtering on one or more columns in the list

  • Supports the following filter conditions for text columns (a "Match case" option can be applied to all three conditions) :

    • Contains

    • Starts with

    • Ends with

  • Supports the following filter conditions for numerical columns:

    • All numbers

    • Numbers less than xxx

    • Numbers less than or equal to xxx

    • Numbers greater than xxx

    • Numbers greater than or equal to xxx

    • Numbers equal to xxx

    • Numbers not equal to xxx

    • Numbers between xxx and yyy

    • Numbers between and including xxx and yyy


The built-in data sorting provided by the web table allows you to:

  • Specify up to 3 columns from the list to sort the list by

  • Specify ascending or descending sorting for each of the columns

List Navigation

The web table allows easy navigation throughout the list by supporting:

  • Next and previous buttons for moving through the list

  • Going to a specific page in the list

  • Collapsing or expanding the entire list

If you want to modify the number of entries per page that will display in a list, you can use the Table size parameter (&table-size) described in Using URL parameters and URL abbreviations

Add or remove selections for all items in the list

You can easily add a selection to all items in the list, or remove selections from all items in the list by clicking on a toolbar icon at the top of the web table.


Parent topic:

iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web concepts

Related concepts
Working with iSeries Navigator tasks on the Web iSeries Navigator URL parameters and available Web tasks