Preparing the partitioned server for production
To finish the resource management and prepare your new server for production, perform these procedures.
- Continue the initial program load (IPL) by selecting option 1 (Perform an IPL) from the IPL or Install the System display.
- You might see the Add All Disk Units to the System ASP display. You can add the disk units later in this procedure.
- You might see the system reference code (SRC) A900 2000 on the control panel display of the system unit. Or you might receive message CPF0975 Console did not vary on on the console display. This SRC and message appear if the QIPLTYPE is set to 2 or if there is no device description for the console display. This SRC and message are normal during the upgrade procedure. The SRC will disappear when you perform a normal IPL later in the upgrade procedure. If no workstation on your server is operational when you receive SRC A900 2000, go to SRC A900 2000 recovery.
- Sign on to the server as the security officer using the QSECOFR user profile.
- At the IPL Options display, enter the correct date and time. Verify that the following values are set as indicated:
Start print writers = N Start to system to restricted state = Y Define or change system at IPL = Y- At the Define or Change the System at IPL display, select option 3 (System value commands).
- At the System Value Commands display, select option 3 (Work with system values).
- Use the Work System Value Commands display to restore the system values to the settings you recorded in step 4 of the Preparing for the service representative procedure.
- After the IPL completes, use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command with parameters *LIN *ALL to ensure all communications lines are varied off.
- Use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command with parameter *DEV to display a list of devices. Note that the console is assigned to the QCTL controller. Vary off all devices except the display station that you are using for the console.
- Use the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command with parameters *CTL *ALL to vary off all controllers.
- Find the label location information for the source server. Your service representative should have returned this to you. On this worksheet, the service representative indicates controllers and devices that are in different locations than they were on your source server. You must use this information to fix hardware resource names after an upgrade to be able to access the devices on your server.
- Perform a normal IPL as follows:
Primary partition on a partitioned server Secondary partition on a partitioned server Follow these steps:
- Verify that all of the secondary partitions are powered down.
- Make sure that the server is set to IPL type B and Normal operating mode before the turning off and subsequent IPL of the server. To find out how to set these values, see Change your system IPL from the system control panel.
- Once the server is set to IPL type B and Normal operating mode, follow these steps:
- Type PWRDWNSYS on the command line and press F4 (prompt)).
- Make sure that you select these options for the PWRDWNSYS command:
- How to end: *CNTRLD
- Delay time: if *CNTRLD, 3600 (use the default value, in seconds, or the value that you consider appropriate given your software and system settings)
- Restart after power down: *YES
- IPL Source: *PANEL
For information about turning off and restarting a partitioned server, see Restart and turn off a system with logical partitions.
After successfully performing a normal IPL of the primary partition, follow these steps:
- Make sure that each secondary partition is set to IPL type B and Normal operating mode
- Turn off and perform on IPL on the partitions.
For instructions on setting the IPL mode, turning off, and performing an IPL on secondary partitions, see Restart and turn off a system with logical partitions.
- If SRC A900 2000 appears on the control panel when the IPL completes and you are using Operations Console, follow these steps: