Related information for iSeries Navigator for Wireless
Listed below are the System i™ manuals and IBM® Redbooks™ (in PDF format), Web sites, and information center topics that relate to the iSeries™ Navigator for Wireless topic. You can view or print any of the PDFs.
- AS/400® Internet Security Scenarios: A Practical Approach
Learn how to use the integrated network security functions. Today, network administrators face the challenge of implementing layered security architectures to protect their networks from the increasing sophistication of hackers. To provide all of the security needed within a manageable budget is a complex task. This redbook explores all the network security features available on the system, such as IP filters, Network Address Translation (NAT), virtual private network (VPN), HTTP proxy server, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Domain Name System (DNS), mail relay, auditing, and logging. It describes their use through practical examples.
Although the system is not intended to be a firewall, the correct implementation of its rich set of network security services, combined with routers or other Internet security appliances, might eliminate the need for a separate firewall product. In some cases, it can provide an affordable solution for smaller sites. The network security functions can be used to enhance the security of environments where routers with firewall security features are also used. This redbook is designed to meet the needs of network administrators, consultants, and specialists who plan to design, implement, and configure networks connected to the Internet and are evaluating alternatives to traditional firewall products.
Web sites
- For more information about iSeries Navigator for Wireless, see iSeries Navigator for Wireless .
The iSeries Navigator for Wireless home page gives you more information about this solution for pervasive computing. This page contains information for supported releases.
- For more information about iSeries Navigator, see iSeries Navigator .
In addition to the Management Central functions, iSeries Navigator provides a wide variety of tools to simplify System i management. The iSeries Navigator home page includes functional release overviews, news about technical conferences, and other topics.
- For more information about Web application servers, see the following Web sites:
- ASF Jakarta Tomcat
The Apache Software Foundation Jakarta project home page provides detailed information about the Tomcat servlet engine.
- WebSphere® Application Server
The latest information about the WebSphere Application Server for i5/OS® is located in the WebSphere Application Server for i5/OS product Web site.
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iSeries Navigator for Wireless