Volume, directory, and file names


The volume identifier for the primary volume descriptor can be a maximum of 32 characters. The volume identifier must contain only alphabetic characters (A through Z), numeric characters (0 through 9), or the underscore (_).

Although not required, you can include one or more directories in the path name. Each element of the path can be a maximum of 32 characters with the total maximum path length of 256 characters. A path name can consist of any alphabetic characters (A through Z), numeric characters (0 through 9), or the underscore (_).

For ISO 9660 media containing Rock Ridge extensions, the length of each element name is not restricted, but the total maximum path length is still 256 characters. The path name characters are not restricted, but are recommended to consist of the POSIX portable file name character set (A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), underscore (_), or hyphen (-)).

For ISO 9660 media containing Rock Ridge extensions, file searches are case-sensitive. If no case-sensitive match is found, a mixed case match is returned if it exists. If multiple mixed case matches exist on the volume, an error will be returned indicating that ambiguous names exist on the media.

Some optical commands, such as Copy Optical (CPYOPT), are not supported when duplicate, ambiguous file names exist. For example Rock Ridge allows files ABC.ext and abc.EXT to exist in the same directory. This is not supported by CPYOPT and may produce unpredictable results.

File name searches are not case sensitive, meaning that you can use either uppercase or lowercase characters to access existing files.


Directory and file security

There is no direcotry- and file-level security for ISO 9660 media. Volume-level security is available through authorization lists.


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ISO 9660