ISO 9660
This industry standard media format was originally designed to specify the volume and file structures of compact-disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) optical disks, and is a read-only media format. The ISO 9660 format is used currently on CD and DVD read-only media. ISO 9660 media that is created using the primary volume descriptor (PVD) is supported. ISO 9660 extensions that use the supplementary volume descriptor (SVD) is not supported. In addition, there is some support for ISO 9660 extensions defined as the IEEE P1281 (System Use Sharing Protocol) and P1282 (Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol) specifications. These extensions are also known as Rock Ridge. The Rock Ridge alternate name structures through the PVD are supported. This support provides recognition and handling of mixed case and long file names, similar to a UNIX® system. Other structures defined by Rock Ridge are not supported in the i5/OS® operating system. To enable support to read Rock Ridge alternate name structure (if it exists), enter CHGOPTA EXTMEDFMT(*YES) prior to importing the media. If the Rock Ridge alternate name structures do not exist, entering this command will have no effect.
- Volume, directory, and file names
The volume identifier for the primary volume descriptor can be a maximum of 32 characters. The volume identifier must contain only alphabetic characters (A through Z), numeric characters (0 through 9), or the underscore (_).- Programming interfaces for ISO 9660
The system can read files on ISO 9660 media by using either the hierarchical file system (HFS) application programming interface (API) or the integrated file system application programming interface (API).
Parent topic:
Optical media formats