Verifying network authentication service and EIM configuration
Now that you have verified the individual pieces of your single sign-on configuration and ensured that all setup is complete,
verify that you have configured Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM)
and network authentication service correctly and that single sign-on works as expected.
To verify that your single sign-on environment works correctly, have John Day follow these steps:
- In iSeries™ Navigator,
expand System A to open a connection to System A.
- Press F5 to refresh the screen.
- In the right pane, find System A in the Name column,
and verify that John Day's i5/OS® user profile, JOHND, is displayed as the corresponding entry in the Signed On User column. iSeries Navigator successfully used EIM to map the jday Kerberos principal to the JOHND System A user profile because of the associations defined for EIM identifier, John Day. The iSeries Navigator session for System A is now connected as JOHND.
- Repeat these steps for Sharon Jones and for at least one of the user identities that is mapped to the SYSUSERA or SYSUSERB user profile.
Parent topic:
Scenario: Enabling single sign-on for i5/OS