Configuring iSeries Access for Windows applications to use Kerberos authentication


Based on your single sign-on objectives, all users in the Order Receiving department must use Kerberos to authenticate before they can use iSeries™ Navigator to access Systems A and B. Therefore, you need to configure iSeries Access for Windows® to use Kerberos authentication. To configure iSeries Access for Windows applications to use Kerberos authentication, follow these steps:

All of your users need to perform all of these steps on their own PCs.

  1. Log on to the Windows 2000 domain by signing in to the PC.

  2. In iSeries Navigator on the PC, right-click System A and select Properties.

  3. On the Connection page, select Use Kerberos principal name, no prompting. This allows iSeries Access for Windows connections to use the Kerberos principal name and password for authentication.

  4. A message is displayed that indicates you need to close and restart all applications that are currently running for the changes to the connection settings to take effect. Click OK. Then, end and restart iSeries Navigator.

  5. Repeat these steps for System B.


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Scenario: Enabling single sign-on for i5/OS
Previous topic: Testing EIM identity mappings