Local or remote console status remains Connecting
These are solutions to problems that prevent the local console from connecting to the system or prevent the remote console from connecting to a local console due to improper hardware or software configurations.
- Verify that the resources of the PC are free of address or interrupt request (IRQ) conflicts. Operations Console uses addresses in the range of to If you run any software that makes your PC SOCKS-enabled, check your SOCKS configuration and make sure that the entry is:
A SOCKS-enabled PC accesses the Internet through a firewall, such as Microsoft® Proxy Client, Hummingbird® SOCKS Client, or others.
- Verify that the system name and the local console name are correct.
- If you are using Ethernet for your network, you can use a crossover cable to directly connect the PC to the adapter temporarily. This will isolate the PC and system from any potential problems on your network that might interfere with proper operations.
A crossover cable is a standard network cable but has the transmit and receive signal wires reversed. This virtually allows each end to act as if a hub, switch, or router is between them.
Parent topic:
Local console connection problems