PC preparations for Operations Console
After you complete the planning requirements and know which configuration and PC operating system you will be using, you can create and go through a checklist for setting up Operations Console.
- Completing the setup prerequisite checklist
You need to complete the Operations Console prerequisite checklist for the configuration that you will be installing on your PC.
- Completing required prerequisite tasks
Before you configure Operations Console, complete each prerequisite task for your configuration and operating system.
- Completing the setup interview
You can use this setup interview to create a customized setup checklist to complete before you begin the Operations Console wizard. A unique checklist will be created based on your configuration and operating system selections.
Parent topic:
Operations Console
Related concepts
Planning considerations for Operations Console
Related reference
Configuring the PC to use the new console type after changing from a twinaxial console to an Operations Console
Scenario: A single console directly attached to the system without remote support
Scenario: A single console directly attached to the system with remote support
Scenario: Consoles for multiple systems or partitions