Preparation for your Operations Console and iSeries Navigator configuration
Both iSeries™ Navigator and Operations Console can be run on a single PC. Depending on how you have Operations Console connected to your system, these network configuration options are available.
iSeries Navigator is the graphical user interface for managing and administering your system from your Windows® desktop. iSeries Navigator makes operation and administration of systems easier and more productive.
Operations Console lets you use a local or remote PC to access and control a System i™ console, a control panel, or both. Operations Console enables connections or console activities across a local area network (LAN), along with enabling directly cabled connections. A single PC can have multiple connections to multiple systems and can be the console for multiple systems. An example is having a logically partitioned system using the same PC as the console for all partitions. Because each partition is considered a separate system, you need a separate connection to the partition for which you want to use the console. Operations Console allows multiple connections to a single system, but only one PC can have control of the system at a time. Based on the Operation Console connectivity, you can have one of these methods of configuration:
- If the PC uses Operation Console as a local console directly attached to the server, a network connection for iSeries Navigator is required. To complete the iSeries Navigator connection, the system needs a network adapter and a configured i5/OS® line description (LIND).
Operations Console is connected over a serial cable attached to an asynchronous card on the System i platform. iSeries Navigator is connected through a LAN adapter on the System i platform. The PC communicates to Operations Console through its communication port while communicating with iSeries Navigator through the LAN connectivity. Figure 1. iSeries Navigator and Operations Console configuration over separate connectivity
- The PC used as a local console on a network may require an additional network connection. iSeries Navigator requires a network connection to the network adapter and configured i5/OS line description (LIND). Operation Console will use the service network adapter as defined by the service host name (interface name). If the network adapter and configured i5/OS LIND and the service network adapter as defined by the service host name (interface name) are on the same network, then an additional PC LAN adapter is not needed. This is illustrated in the following figure. Figure 2. iSeries Navigator and Operations Console configuration on the same network
However, if the network adapter and configured i5/OS LIND and the service network adapter as defined by the service host name (interface name) are on separate networks, then an additional PC LAN adapter is required. This is illustrated in the following figure. Figure 3. iSeries Navigator and Operations Console configuration on separate networks
Parent topic:
Planning considerations for your configuration
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iSeries Navigator