Configuring Operations Console on the PC
When you have completed your Operations Console planning and your Set up Operations Console checklist, you are ready to begin the Operations Console configuration wizard.
You must have Administrator rights to create or alter a configuration.
To access the configuration wizard, follow these steps:
- Click Start.
- Select Programs.
- Select iSeries Access for Windows.
- Select Operations Console.
If Operations Console did not appear, complete an iSeries™ Access for Windows® selective setup. Click Start > Programs > IBM iSeries Access for Windows > Selective Setup.
The configuration wizard and Operations Console window starts. Follow the steps through the wizard and enter any required data.
IBM® System i™ and eServer™ i5 models start counting logical partitions with the number 1 (even if it is the only partition) instead of a 0. iSeries 270 and 8xx models start counting logical partitions with the number 0. For the console to connect properly, your logical partitions must also begin numbering at 1 instead of 0. This is especially true if you rely on the BOOTP process to configure the server with its network data.
Click Finish to save the configuration and exit the configuration wizard. It is important that each configured connection has a unique name or unpredictable results may occur.
The configuration wizard automatically configures the connection to use the console and remote control panel for some configurations. If you do not want to use one of these functions, use the connection's Properties > Configuration tab to deselect the function you do not want started for this connection. You also can use Properties to add any of these functions.
Highlight the connection name then use one of these methods to start your connection.
- Right-click the connection name and select Connect.
- Click the connection icon in the toolbar.
- Click the connection drop-down and select Connect.
The system needs to be turned on for the console to connect.
View the online help associated with using Operations Console by selecting Help from the Operations Console window Help menu.
Parent topic:
Completing required prerequisite tasks
Related concepts
Planning considerations for Operations Console
PC preparations for Operations Console