Changing from one console type to another


Depending on how your console connection is set up, you can change to a different console type.


Electronic customer support

If you are currently using electronic customer support (ECS) and directly attach your console, move the electronic customer support cabling to another communications port before trying to install an Operations Console local console directly attached to the server.

This may require you to change the resource information used for electronic customer support. Also, as part of your migration, you may need to deallocate the LAN adapter from use by the Operations Console. For instructions on deallocating or moving the LAN adapter, see the Deallocating or moving the LAN adapter card topic.

For more information about ECS, refer to the Electronic customer support topic.


Parent topic:

Managing Operations Console


Related tasks

Deallocating or moving the LAN adapter card from use by Operations Console


Related reference

Switching from one console type to another when a console is currently available


Related information

Electronic customer support