Sending IBM software products using iSeries Navigator


You can use iSeries™ Navigator to send IBM® software products from one i5/OS® system or logical partition to another i5/OS system or logical partition.

To send and install IBM products, complete the following tasks:

  1. In your iSeries Navigator window, expand Management Central.

  2. Expand Endpoint Systems.

  3. Expand a system.

  4. Expand Configuration and Service.

  5. Expand Software Inventory.

  6. Select either Installed Products or Supported Products.

  7. From the right pane, right-click the product that you want to send and install. Select Send and Install. You can send and install only products that have a status of Installed or Managed.

  8. Follow the wizard's instructions for sending and installing the product.

Detailed task help is available from the iSeries Navigator window. Just click Help from the menu bar and select Help Topics. Select What can I do with . . .? to find out what you can do and where you need to be in the iSeries Navigator window to make it happen.


Parent topic:

Distributing software using iSeries Navigator