Starting the Directory Server


Use this information to start the Directory Server.

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand Network.

  2. Expand Servers.

  3. Click TCP/IP.

  4. Right-click IBM Directory Server and select Start.

    The directory server might take several minutes to start, depending on the speed of your server and the amount of available memory. The first time you start the directory server might take several minutes longer than usual because the server must create new files. Similarly, when starting the directory server for the first time after upgrading from an earlier version of Directory Server, it might take several minutes longer than usual because the server must migrate files. You can check the status of the server periodically (see Checking the status of the Directory Server) to see if it has started yet.

The Directory Server can also be started from the character-base interface by entering the command STRTCPSVR *DIRSRV. Additionally, if you have your directory server configured to start when TCP/IP starts, you can also start it by entering the STRTCP command.

The directory server can be started in configuration only mode from the character-base interface by entering the command TRCTCPAPP APP(*DIRSRV) ARGLIST(SAFEMODE).

Configuration only mode starts the server with only the cn=configuration suffix active and does not depend on successful initialization of the database backends.


Parent topic:

General administration tasks


Related tasks

Stopping the Directory Server
Checking the status of the Directory Server