General administration tasks
Use this information to manage general administration of the Directory Server.
- Starting the Directory Server
Use this information to start the Directory Server.
- Stopping the Directory Server
Use this information to stop the Directory Server.
- Checking the status of the Directory Server
Use this information to check the status of the Directory Server.
- Checking jobs on the Directory Server
Use this information to monitor specific jobs on the Directory Server.
- Managing server connections
Use this information to view the connections to the server and the operations performed by those connections.
- Managing connection properties
Use this information to set connection properties such as those that prevent clients from locking up the server.
- Enabling event notification
Use this information to enable Directory Server event notification.
- Specifying transaction settings
Use this information to configure the Directory Server transaction settings.
- Changing the port or IP address
Use this procedure to change the ports that the Directory Server uses or the IP address on which the Directory Server accepts connections.
- Specifying a server for directory referrals
Use this information to specify referral servers.
- Adding and removing Directory Server suffixes
Use this information to add or remove a Directory Server suffix.
- Granting administrator access to projected users
Use this information to grant administrator access to user profiles.
- Enabling language tags
Use tis information to enable language tags.
- Tracking access and changes to the LDAP directory
Use this information to track access and changes to your LDAP directory.
- Enabling object auditing for the Directory Server
Use this information to enable object auditing for the Directory Server.
- Adjusting search settings
Use this information to control users' search capabilities.
- Enabling or disabling read access to projected users
Use this information to prohibit search and compare operations to the user projected backend.
- Publishing information to the Directory Server
Use this information to publish information to the Directory Server.
- Importing an LDIF file
Use this information to import an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file.
- Exporting an LDIF file
Use this information to export an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file
- Copying users from an HTTP server validation list to the Directory Server
Use this information to copy users from an HTTP server validation list to the Directory Server.
Parent topic:
Administering Directory Server