Directory Server command line utilities
This section describes the Directory Server utilities that can be run from the Qshell command environment.
Note that some strings need to be contained in quotation marks in order to be processed correctly in the Qshell command environment. This generally pertains to strings that are DNs, search filters, and the list of attributes to be returned by ldapsearch. See the following list for some examples.
- Strings that contain spaces: "cn=John Smith,cn=users"
- Strings that contain wildcard characters: "*"
- Strings that contain parentheses: "(objectclass=person)"
For more information about the Qshell command environment, see the "Qshell" topic.
See the following commands for more information:
- ldapmodify and ldapadd
The LDAP modify-entry and LDAP add-entry command line utilities.
- ldapdelete
The LDAP delete-entry command line utility.
- ldapexop
The LDAP extended operation command line utility.
- ldapmodrdn
The LDAP modify-entry RDN™ command line utility.
- ldapsearch
The LDAP search command line utility.
- ldapchangepwd
The LDAP modify password command line utility.
- ldapdiff
The LDAP replica synchronization command line utility.
- Using SSL with the LDAP command line utilities
Use this information to understand how to use SSL with the LDAP command line utilities.
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