Commands for i5/OS performance


i5/OS® includes several important functions to help you manage and maintain system performance.

These commands allow you to perform real-time monitoring of performance data from the character-based interface. You can use these commands to answer specific questions about system performance and to help you tune your system. For information about real-time monitoring from iSeries™ Navigator, see iSeries Navigator monitors.

Command Function
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) Allows you to review and change the attributes and resource utilization of the jobs running on your system.
Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) Display the performance information and attributes for system disk units.
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) Provides an overview of current system activity. Specifically, it displays the number of jobs on the system and storage pool utilization information.
Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) Work with jobs and tasks on your system. This command is part of the Performance Tools licensed program (PT1).
Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) Work with and display locks on a specified object, including locks waiting to be applied.
Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) Display the utilization information and change attributes of shared storage pools, including machine and base pool.


Parent topic:

Applications for performance management
Related reference
iSeries Navigator monitors