Applications for performance management
Managing performance requires the use of a variety of specialized applications. Each of these applications offers a specific insight into system performance. This topic explains several applications and the intended use of each application.
Many of the applications for performance management have several functions. Knowing exactly which component of the available suite of applications best suits a given situation can be complex. The following topics provide detailed information about each of the performance management applications,
including selection, use, and configuration.
As shown in the following figure, basically there are two performance collection functions on the system:
- Collection Services, which collects interval data at the system and job level. You can run this continuously to know what is happening with your system. The interval data that is collected is either application defined or user defined.
- Performance explorer, which collects detailed data at the program and application level. It also traces the flow of work in an application and can be used to diagnose difficult performance problems. The data that is collected is by application-defined performance explorer trace points,
such as with Domino®, NetServer™,
or WebSphere® servers.
Both collection functions deposit their data into management collection objects. You can convert the data from the management collection objects by using the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for Collection Services data or by using the Create Performance Explorer Data (CRTPEXDTA) command for the performance explorer data.
This topic introduces the performance management applications that are available to work with either the Collection Services data or the performance explorer data.
- Collection Services
Use Collection Services to collect performance data for later analysis by the Performance Tools licensed program or other performance report applications, iSeries™ Navigator monitors, and the graph history function. (If you prefer viewing real-time performance data, system monitors provide an easy-to-use graphical interface for monitoring system performance.)
- Intelligent Agents
The Intelligent Agents console for iSeries Navigator provides system administrators with an easy way to manage one or more Agent Building and Learning Environment (ABLE) agents running on a single system or across different systems.
- Performance data files
You can generate database files from the collection objects maintained by Collection Services. Use this topic to find the names, descriptions and attributes of these database files.
- iSeries Navigator monitors
Monitors display current information about the performance of your systems. Additionally, you can use them to carry out predefined actions when a specific event occurs.
- Graph history
Graph history provides a graphical display of performance data collected by Collection Services over a specified period of time.
- IBM Performance Management for eServer iSeries
PM iSeries automates the collection, archival, and analysis of system performance data and returns reports to help you manage system resources and capacity. PM iSeries uses the performance data collected by Collection Services.
- Performance Tools
The Performance Tools licensed program includes many features to help you gather, analyze, and maintain system performance information. This includes assistance in managing performance over a distributed network, collecting and reporting on both summary and trace data, and capacity planning.
- Performance explorer
Performance explorer collects more detailed information about a specific application, program or system resource, and provides detailed insight into a specific performance problem. This includes the capability both to perform several types and levels of traces and to run detailed reports.
- iDoctor for iSeries
The iDoctor for iSeries plug-in consists of a variety of software tools for managing performance, for example, Performance Explorer (PEX) Analyzer for detailed trace data analysis and Job Watcher for trace-level information about a job's behavior.
- Performance Trace Data Visualizer
Performance Trace Data Visualizer for iSeries is a tool for processing, analyzing, and viewing Performance Explorer collection data residing in PEX database files.
- Performance Management APIs
Performance Management APIs provide services to manage collections. These APIs start, end, and cycle collections, and they change and retrieve system parameters for the data collected. Many of the Performance Management APIs use the performance data collected by Collection Services.
- Commands for i5/OS performance
i5/OS® includes several important functions to help you manage and maintain system performance.
- Extended Adaptive Cache
You can use Extended Adaptive Cache to improve system performance by collecting disk usage data, and then using those statistics to create a cache, effectively reducing the physical I/O requests for the disk.
- IBM Systems Workload Estimator
The IBM® Systems Workload Estimator is a Web-based sizing tool for System i™, System p™, and System x™. You can use this tool to size a new system, to size an upgrade to an existing system, or to size a consolidation of several systems.
- iSeries Navigator for Wireless
iSeries Navigator for Wireless allows you to monitor performance data over a wireless connection, using a personal digital assistant (PDA), Internet-ready telephone, or traditional Web browser. The iSeries Navigator for Wireless uses the performance data collected by Collection Services.
- PATROL for iSeries (AS/400) - Predict
PATROL for iSeries (AS/400®) - Predict helps manage system performance by automating many of the routine administration tasks required for high availability and optimal performance. Additionally, this product offers detailed capacity planning information to help you plan the growth of your environment.
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