Sending PM iSeries data with Service Agent over Extreme Support (Universal Connection)


PM iSeries™ uses Collection Services to gather the nonproprietary performance and capacity data from your server. After you have collected this data, you can use Electronic Service Agent™ over Extreme Support to send the data to IBM®. To take advantage of these capabilities, have V5R1 or V5R2 installed on your servers or V4R5 with the Universal Connection fixes applied. Here are the steps to follow to configure for PM iSeries:

  1. Activate PM iSeries.

    You must start PM iSeries to take advantage of its data collecting capabilities.

  2. Set up your Management Central network.

    Define which server is your central system and which servers are your endpoint systems. You can use this network hierarchy to send your data from your endpoint systems to a central location before sending the data to IBM.

  3. Connect to IBM to transmit your data with the Universal Connection.

    This is the connection that Management Central will use to transmit the PM iSeries data to IBM. In previous releases, you used the electronic customer support (ECS) connection that ran over SNA. When you use the Universal Connection, you can transmit your data over TCP/IP.

  4. Gather PM iSeries performance data.

    Use the Management Central inventory function to gather your data.

  5. Send your data to IBM.

    Use the Electronic Service Agent, which is available under Extreme Support in the Management Central hierarchy, to send your data to IBM. The Electronic Service Agent uses the Universal Connection.

You can also send data with the SNA protocol.

Once you have configured PM iSeries, you are ready to do the other tasks to manage PM iSeries.


Parent topic:

Determining which PM iSeries transmission method to use

Related concepts
Universal Connection

Related tasks
Electronic Service Agent over Extreme Support Activating PM iSeries Set up your Management Central network Gathering PM iSeries performance data Sending data with SNA protocol
Related reference
Managing PM iSeries