Set up your agent environment
Before you can begin managing your agents with the Intelligent Agents console, you will need to configure your agents and agent services (the agent platform) to run on or across the systems in your environment.
A secure environment requires Kerberos and additional platform configuration.
The iSeries™ Navigator Intelligent Agents console functions by connecting to an agent platform running on your system, or across a distributed network. The agent platform defines the agent pools (JVMs) that your agent services and agents will run in. Before you begin setting up your agent platform, you need to determine your security preferences.
A secure platform requires that you configure Kerberos.
- Configuring your agent platform
This topic provides a brief overview of the agent platform and also provides detailed configuration steps for modifying the platform preferences file. Before you begin using the Intelligent Agents console in iSeries Navigator, you first need to configure the agent platform.
- Securing your agent environment
It is strongly recommended that you use Kerberos user and service principals to authenticate users, agent pools, and agent services to one another on or across a secure platform or distributed platform.
- Starting the agent platform
After you define the agent platform and optionally secure your platform, you need to start all the Java™ Virtual Machines associated with your agent services using i5/OS® CL commands.
Parent topic:
Intelligent Agents
Related concepts
Agent platform