Agent platform


Agent Services live on your system or across your distributed platform, and are responsible for the life cycle, security, and behavior of your agent.

The Intelligent Agents console in iSeries™ Navigator requires that an agent platform be configured on your system, or across a distributed network. An agent platform is nothing more than a set of Java™ Virtual Machines, or agent pools, that run the services and agents of the platform. The platform is defined by a preferences file called ableplatform.preferences. This file lists the location (system and port) of each agent pool (JVM), the services that will run on or across the platform, and the agents that are allowed to run in the platform. If security is configured, the preferences file also lists the Kerberos user and service principals used to authenticate each service, agent, and user that is part of the platform.

Agent services, which can exist on any of the systems across your distributed platform, are responsible for the life cycle, security, and behavior of your agent. Agents running on the same system or distributed agents running across different systems use the defined set of platform services for different tasks such as getting a unique name, looking up other agents in a directory, logging, and passing messages to another agent.

The following services are made available to the agents running on or across a platform and to the users connected to the platform:


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Intelligent Agent concepts