Optical file system (QOPT)
The QOPT file system provides access to stream data that is stored on optical media.
In addition, it:
- Provides a hierarchical directory structure similar to PC operating systems such as DOS and OS/2®.
- Is optimized for stream file input and output.
- Supports data stored in stream files.
Accessing QOPT through the integrated file system
The QOPT file system can be accessed through the integrated file system using either the PC server or the integrated file system commands, user displays, and APIs.
In using the integrated file system interface, you should be aware of the following considerations and limitations.
- Integrated file system and HFS in the QOPT file system
Operations can be performed on objects in the QOPT file system through either the integrated file system interface or APIs provided by a hierarchical file system (HFS).
- Case-sensitivity in the QOPT file system
Depending on the format of the optical media, case may or may not be preserved when creating files or directories in QOPT. However, file and directory searches are case-insensitive regardless of the optical media format.
- Path names in the QOPT file system
The path name must begin with a slash (/). The path is made up of the file system name, the volume name, the directory and subdirectory names, and the file name.
- Links in the QOPT file system
The QOPT file system supports only one link to an object. Symbolic links cannot be created or stored in QOPT.
- Integrated file system commands and displays in the QOPT file system
Many integrated file system commands and displays are valid in the QOPT file system.
- Integrated file system APIs in the QOPT file system
Many integrated file system APIs are valid in the QOPT file system.
Parent topic:
File systems
Related information
Optical storage