Accessing using CL commands


All of the operations that you can do through the integrated file system menus and displays can be done by entering control language (CL) commands. These commands can operate on files and other objects in any file system that are accessible through the integrated file system interface.

Table 1 summarizes the integrated file system commands. For more information about CL commands that are specifically related to user-defined file systems, the Network File System, and mounted file systems in general, see User-defined file systems (UDFSs) and Network File System (NFS). Where a command performs the same operation as an OS/2® or DOS command, an alias (an alternative command name) is provided for the convenience of OS/2 and DOS users.

Table 1. Integrated file system commands
Command Description Alias
ADDLNK Add Link. Adds a link between a directory and an object.  
ADDMFS Add Mounted File System. Places exported, remote server file systems over local client directories. MOUNT
APYJRNCHG2 Apply Journaled Changes. Uses journal entries to apply changes that have occurred since a journaled object was saved or to apply changes up to a specified point.  
CHGATR Change Attribute. Changes an attribute for a single object, a group of objects, or a directory tree where the directory, its contents, and the contents of all of its subdirectories have the attribute changed.  
CHGAUD Change Auditing Value. Turns auditing on or off for an object.  
CHGAUT Change Authority. Gives specific authority for an object to a user or group of users.  
CHGCURDIR Change Current Directory. Changes the directory to be used as the current directory. CD, CHDIR
CHGJRNOBJ2 Change Journaled Objects. Changes the journaling attributes of an object or list of objects without the need to end and restart journaling for the object.  
CHGNFSEXP Change Network File System Export. Adds directory trees to or removes them from the export table that is exported to NFS clients. EXPORTFS
CHGOWN Change Owner. Transfers object ownership from one user to another.  
CHGPGP Change Primary Group. Changes the primary group from one user to another.  
CHKIN Check In. Checks in an object that was previously checked out.  
CHKOUT Check Out. Checks out an object, which prevents other users from changing it.  
CPY Copy. Copies a single object or a group of objects. COPY
CPYFRMSTMF Copy from Stream File. Copies data from a stream file to a database file member.  
CPYTOSTMF Copy to Stream File. Copies data from a database file member to a stream file.  
CRTDIR Create Directory. Adds a new directory to the system. MD, MKDIR
CRTUDFS Create UDFS. Creates a User-Defined File System.  
CVTDIR Convert directory. Provides information about converting integrated file system directories from *TYPE1 format to *TYPE2 format.  
CVTRPCSRC Convert RPC Source. Generates C code from an input file written in the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) language. RPCGEN
DLTUDFS Delete UDFS. Deletes a User-Defined File.  
DSPAUT Display Authority. Shows a list of authorized users of an object and their authorities for the object.  
DSPCURDIR Display Current Directory. Shows the name of the current directory.  
DSPJRN2 Display Journal. Converts journal entries (contained in one or more receivers) into a form suitable for external representation.  
DSPLNK Display Object Links. Shows a list of objects in a directory and provides options to display information about the objects.  
DSPF Display Stream File. Displays a stream file or a database file.  
DSPMFSINF Display Mounted File System Information. Displays information about a mounted file system. STATFS
DSPUDFS Display UDFS. Displays User-Defined File System.  
EDTF Edit Stream File. Edits a stream file or a database file.  
ENDJRN2 End Journal. Ends the journaling of changes for an object or list of objects.  
ENDNFSSVR End Network File System Server. Ends one or all of the NFS daemons on the server and the client.  
ENDRPCBIND End RPC Binder Daemon. Ends the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RPCBind daemon.  
MOV Move. Moves an object to a different directory MOVE
PRTDIRINF Print Directory Information. Used to print directory information for objects in the integrated file system that was collected by the Retrieve Directory Information (RTVDIRINF) command.  
RCLLNK Reclaim Objects Links. Identifies and, if possible, corrects problems in mounted file systems that are in use.  
RCVJRNE2 Receive Journal Entry. Allows a specified user exit program to continuously receive journal entries.  
RLSIFSLCK Release Integrated File System Locks. Releases all byte-range locks held by an NFS client or on an object.  
RMVDIR Remove Directory. Removes a directory from the system. RD, RMDIR
RMVLNK Remove Link. Removes the link to an object DEL, ERASE
RMVMFS Remove Mounted File System. Removes exported, remote server file systems from the local client directories. UNMOUNT
RNM Rename. Changes the name of an object in a directory. REN
RPCBIND Start RPC Binder Daemon. Starts the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RPCBind Daemon.  
RST Restore. Copies an object or group of objects from a backup device to the system  
RTVCURDIR Retrieve Current Directory. Retrieves the name of the current directory and puts it into a specified variable (used in CL programs)  
RTVDIRINF Retrieve Directory Information. Collects attributes for objects in the integrated file system.  
RTVJRNE2 Retrieve Journal Entry. Gets a particular journal entry and place the results in CL variables.  
SAV Save. Copies an object or group of objects from the system to a backup device  
SNDJRNE2 Send Journal Entry. Adds user journal entries, optionally associated with a journaled object, to a journal receiver.  
STRJRN2 Start Journal. Starts journaling changes (made to an object or list of objects) to a specific journal.  
STRNFSSVR Start Network File System Server. Starts one or all of the NFS daemons on the server and client.  
WRKAUT Work with Authority. Shows a list of users and their authorities and provides options for adding a user, changing a user authority, or removing a user.  
WRKLNK Work with Object Links. Shows a list of objects in a directory and provides options for performing actions on the objects.  
WRKOBJOWN1 Work with Objects by Owner. Shows a list of objects owned by a user profile and provides options for performing actions on the objects.  
WRKOBJPGP1 Work with Objects by Primary Group. Shows a list of objects controlled by a primary group and provides options for performing actions on the objects.  

  1. The WRKOBJOWN and WRKOBJPGP commands can display all object types but may not be fully functional in all file systems.

  2. See Journal management in the i5/OS® Information Center for more information.


Parent topic:

Accessing the integrated file system


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File systems


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Accessing using menus and displays


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Control language (CL)